Low Pay and Agenda for Change

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2004 Health Care Service Group Conference
5 January 2004

Under AfC the lowest spine point in Band 1 falls below the level of half male median earnings. All points in Band 1 fall below £6 an hour. UNISON’s submission to the Low Pay Commission asked for a minimum way of £6 an hour.

In many areas UNISON branches have negotiated minimum rates for ancillary staff that are higher than basic Whitley Council rates.

Many of such staff are likely to require pay protection under the AfC proposals.

Conference believes that staff who earn less than £6 an hour should not have to mark time while even lower paid staff catch up with them.

We therefore urge our AfC negotiators to address this issue in national negotiations and achieve a position were low paid staff will not need pay protection. This should be attempted before the national conference and ballot on Agenda for Change.