Campaigning Against Private Finance

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2004 Health Care Service Group Conference
2 January 2004

This Conference strongly opposes the Government’s moves to undermine the fundamental principles of the NHS by encouraging private finance, competition and a re-introduction of the internal market. We believe that the use of the private sector to finance and deliver NHS services is a less efficient use of NHS resources and will undermine our ability to provide a quality health care service to patients. The Tory policy of the internal market has been completely discredited. However, the policies being pursued by this government, especially foundation hospitals, will legitimise a two-tier health service and contribute to the dismantling of a universal health service. This will result in increased inequalities in patient care and erode the terms and conditions of our members. In particular, we remain opposed to:

·the acceptance of the private sector as a provider of healthcare within the NHS;


·PFI and LIFT as ways of funding capital projects in primary and secondary care;


·the introduction of foundation hospitals, where 3 star hospitals will receive extra resources, borrow from the private sector and vary terms and conditions of staff;


·commissioning of services through Payment by Results, where finances will go with patients.


Therefore, Conference will continue to campaign against all attempts to introduce the private sector into our Trusts and urges UNISON locally and nationally to organise and support Branches who campaign against privatisation.