Council Tax

Conference recalls Motion 5 at Retired Members’ Conference 2007 on Council Tax which was remitted on the understanding that the Retired Members’ Committee would refer the matter to the UNISON Council Tax Working Group for consideration. It seems from the report that this was done and the concerns raised were fed into discussions on the […]

Improvements to the State Pension

Conference is concerned at the ever-increasing discrepancy between the basic state pension and the poverty threshold. In 2009 the NPC’s figures state that the poverty threshold is £165 pw whilst the basic state pension is £97.25 pw, a discrepancy of £65.75 pw. Much of the blame for this can be laid at the door of […]

Temporary Blue Badges

Conference notes that many pensioners encounter varying levels of mobility problems as they get older. On occasions pensioners will find themselves incapacitated for limited periods of time which are temporary but which cause a serious lack of mobility for the duration of the incapacity. At such time access to a blue badge would make a […]


Conference is aware that the Two tick Scheme and all it is supposed to entail is perceived to be a benefit for the disabled employees in the workplace. However, we as public services disabled workers are painfully aware, most employers covet the symbol as a cosmetic image rather than a declaration of positive attitude towards […]


Public Service employers are generally considered to be progressive in giving their employees effective support at work and good terms and conditions of employment. However, some public employers track record in meeting the requirements of their disabled employees, especially those with learning disabilities employed in the manual areas, is much less developed, particularly when it […]

Branch Retired Members Groups

Conference notes that UNISON rule D6 provides only for the retired members of a branch to elect a Branch Retired Members’ Secretary who also serves as their representative on the Branch Committee. Unlike the self-organised groups, retired members have no right to form a Branch Retired Members’ Group, rather the Code of Good Branch Practice […]

Depression in Older People

Conference is concerned that depression in older people goes undiagnosed and that hundreds of thousands of older people may be denied treatment because depression is wrongly seen as a natural part of getting older. Conference, therefore instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to liaise with the National Executive Council and UNISON’s UK publicity outlets to […]

Death Tax

This Conference believes that elderly people deserve the best possible care in their latter years. However, it’s totally wrong that people who have worked hard all their life lose everything they’ve strived for, their houses, savings etc in order to pay for their care when they get old or ill. Recent government proposals for a […]

Hospitals and Wards, Treatment and Support Services

Many hospitals and wards, treatment and support services are being closed or threatened with closure up and down the country. Before hospital closures and mergers started most hospitals were serviced by a good bus service, but now many elderly patients have to travel on two or three buses in order to reach their alternative establishments. […]

Stranded Health Staff

Conference expresses its sympathy to those health workers and their families that have become stranded abroad due to the flight restrictions caused by the Icelandic volcano. However, Conference has become increasingly concerned at reports from NHS Trusts and other NHS employers that staff who are stranded and phoning in are being told that they will […]

NHS Pay Strategy

Conference recognises that the political and economic challenges facing the NHS across the UK in the immediate future and the longer term require UNISON to develop a coherent strategy for both defending and improving future pay, terms and conditions. Whilst there are increasing differences in the way in which the four UK administrations choose to […]

Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust

UNISON welcomes the report by Robert Francis QC into the care that patients received at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust between 2005 and 2009. The report published on 24 February 2010 makes harrowing reading for patients, staff and the service. The Francis report supports many of the findings of the Healthcare Commission (now the Care […]

Defend our NHS Family Health Services

This Conference notes that: 1)At a meeting with NHS Derby City – Family Health Services staff, held on Tuesday 6th April 2010, proposals were presented to outsource all Family Health Services (FHS) functions in the East Midlands, to NHS Shared Business Services (SBS): thereby creating a real threat to jobs and services across the nine […]

National Campaign for a Public NHS

2010 is a general election year and politicians from all parties will want to claim they have the NHS’ interests at heart and services will be safe with them. In reality the staff know that services have been trimmed and cut over many years now and bear no resemblance to the holistic care package that […]

Million Voices in Defence of the NHS

Conference notes UNISON’s long-established policy of opposition and resistance to privatisation and marketisation in the NHS. We continue to lead the way in challenging government reforms that threaten to undermine the NHS through increased competition and greater private sector involvement in health care. UNISON branches and members have been at the forefront of campaigns over […]