Conference welcomes the increased profile of lesbian and gay workplace issues in the work of many parts of our union, while acknowledging that there is still much to be done. Conference notes that since the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 came into force, advice on employment issues necessarily addresses bisexual workers as well as […]


Conference commends the progress made by the NLGC in its work with the Government and other organisations on last year’s recommendations to do with improving the range and availability of educational materials for young lesbians and gay men in schools and youth groups. Conference also welcomes the passing, at this year’s National Delegates Conference, of […]


This Conference deplores the vicious murder of Brian Williamson in June 2004. Mr Williamson was one of the founder members of the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG), which seeks to achieve equality for all in Jamaica’s society. Conference further deplores the attacks by an active minority in the private homes of gay […]


Conference requires the NLGC to have a meeting with the National Blood Service and Department of Health to ensure that “best practice” and inclusive processes are in place when blood collection in workplaces is taking place. Conference is concerned that when blood collection takes place in workplaces individuals could be “outed” when gay men who […]


This Conference is dismayed that gay and bisexual men are still discriminated against by the National Blood Service, by being denied the opportunity to give blood. Conference is concerned that this is perpetuating an unwelcome and damaging myth that all gay and bisexual men present a danger to the health of others when, in fact, […]

Participation of Visitors in Workshops

Visitors to the Conference are seated separately and are unable to vote, but they learn a lot about procedures which will be helpful in future if they become delegates. There does not seem however to be any reason why they should not attend the workshops which may also help them in the future and they […]

Pensioner Poverty Trap

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to take appropriate steps to ensure that the government addresses the issue of the erosion of pensioners’ increases by the high annual increase to such charges as council tax and public utilities. Conference also notes that UNISON has established a council tax working group to establish clear UNISON […]

Small Print Font Size

Important information is frequently presented in ways difficult to read as the type size may be too small and there may be insufficient colour contrast between the print and the paper. The computer seems to have made this problem more common. Examples can be found in newspapers, cooking instructions, information to do with financial matters […]

Nationally Run Travel Scheme

Conference calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee and the National Executive Council to lobby the government to introduce a nationally run travel scheme for all people over 60 years of age. Free travel passes are already in existence in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Liverpool, London and other areas. However the minority of the country […]

Transport and the Senior Citizen

Conference notes that millions of senior citizens depend upon public transport in their daily lives. Conference considers that more resources should be made available for both bus and rail travel. Conference reaffirms that a national road and rail pass for pensioners aged 60 and over should be introduced as part of a national transport policy. […]

Occupational Pension Schemes

Conference is opposed to recent proposals to limit the right of individuals to take early retirement from the age of 50 onwards. Conference considers that this is part of an ongoing exercise by the employers and the government to make people work longer and, by implication, have less time in which to enjoy their pensions. […]

Driving and Prescription Drugs

Following a survey undertaken by Aston University and commissioned by the Department of Transport earlier this year, it was found that many elderly drivers were driving under the influence of drugs, in the form of strong medications issued legitimately, and prescribed by doctors who were not aware that the patient was intending to or in […]

Local Government Pension Scheme

Conference is alarmed at the threat to the Local Government Pension Scheme posed by the government’s plans to introduce amended regulations. Conference sees this as part of a wider move to undermine pensions in general. Conference calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee and all retired members’ sections to support the TUC’s Pay Up For […]

Qualifying Dates for Additional Payments

Conference expresses its concern that additional payments for items such as the winter fuel allowance are subject to the recipient attaining the specified age by a certain date. It feels that this means a number of pensioners do not become entitled to the payment until the following year. Conference therefore calls upon the National Retired […]

Concessionary Fares

Conference is conscious that pensioners in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and some areas of England currently enjoy schemes which allow them free use of public transport. It is also aware that there are schemes where reduced rates are available subject to local authority boundary limitations. This appears to be a post code lottery and […]