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2004 National Lesbian & Gay Conference
30 July 2004
Carried as Amended

This Conference deplores the vicious murder of Brian Williamson in June 2004. Mr Williamson was one of the founder members of the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG), which seeks to achieve equality for all in Jamaica’s society.

Conference further deplores the attacks by an active minority in the private homes of gay men in July 2004. According to news reports, the ragga singer Buju Banton is being sought in relation to those attacks. This would appear to be, unfortunately, all too common on the island, where homophobia is rife, although many Jamaicans are not homophobic.

Conference notes Amnesty International’s call for “the Jamaican authorities to make a public statement condemning homophobia, and calling for people to respect the rights of lesbians and gay men.” Conference notes that no such statement has been forthcoming from the Kingston government.

Conference applauds the work done by UNISON, Amnesty International and ILGA, in highlighting the difficulties faced by our LGBT brothers and sisters in Jamaica.

Conference calls, therefore, on all members, branches and regional groups to support the Amnesty International postcard campaign, asking the Jamaican Prime Minister, PJ Patterson, to reform the laws of the country, and gain true equality for all.

Conference further calls on branches and regions to consider a donation to J-FLAG. This small organisation was the beneficiary of the 2004 National Delegate Conference, and needs the constant messages of support and donations that we can help with.