Cultural/Linguistic Model of Deaf

This Conference recognises and welcomes the ongoing work being done on the British Sign Language Project since British Sign Language was recognised by Governments as the fourth indigenous language of the United Kingdom 2003. Conference notes the growing recognition of the need to combat discrimination against Deaf people as a marginalised group within society. We […]

Pensions and Black Minority Ethnic Community Members

This Conference accepts a wide range of evidence that Black people are known to be concentrated in low paid, low skilled jobs and that their life expectancy is considerably lower than white workers. There is also research evidence that demonstrates a higher risk of workplace accidents and injuries for low paid workers, it therefore follows […]

Access to work and BSL Users

Access to work is the right of every British Sign Language User, it is a functional employment right. It is an essential part of our employment opportunities to have Sign Language Interpreters to enable effective communication with other employers and provide equal access of communication within the workplace, both externally and internally. Without communication support […]

Incapacity Benefit Green Paper

Conference welcomes the Governments commitment to supporting disabled people into work. However, conference is concerned that the proposals on welfare reform focus on sanctions, rather than on removing the barriers that disabled people face in accessing the labour market. High levels of unemployment and discrimination make it hard for disabled people to gain and retain […]

Disclosure of Disability Status

This Conference recognises the disproportionate incidence of disability status of women compared with men. Women experience female organ Cancers of the cervix and uterus, twice as many women than men are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and the incidence of mental health impairment is considerably higher for women than men. The impairment consequences of Female Genital […]


The Scottish Disabled Members’ Group is concerned that no accurate statistics exist on the number of disabled members in the union. The interim report of the Equalities Review would indicate that as many as 1 in 4 people in the UK could be classified as disabled under the DDA. Impending legislation would increase this number, […]


The Scottish Disabled Members’ Group recognises the excellent work done by coalitions of disabled people and Centres for Inclusive Living in the field of access audits. Conference calls on the NDMC to work with the NEC to: 1)Raise awareness of the expertise available to support the work of UNISON 2)Encourage partnership working, where appropriate, with […]

Standing Order 9 – Reference of Outstanding Items

Delete Standing Order 9.1 and insert new Standing Order 9.1: ‘If, at the end of the Conference, the Final Agenda has not been concluded, outstanding motions and amendments shall be referred to the National Retired Members Committee which shall report to members its decisions on those matters. All such motions and amendments shall be responded […]

Standing Order 4 – Limit of Speeches

Delete Standing Order 4.1 and insert new Standing Order 4.1: ‘The mover of a motion or an amendment shall not be allowed to speak for more than five minutes and each succeeding speaker for not more than three minutes, except where the Standing Orders Committee have decided otherwise.’


Conference notes that: 1)each winter more than 25,000 older people die from cold-related illnesses; 2)in the last five years more than 130,000 people over 65 have died as a result of the cold; 3)EU countries that experience more severe winters than the UK, such as Finland, Denmark and Austria all have much lower levels of […]


Age limits imposed by insurance firms are varied and outdated in respect of travel, medical, life and car insurances. It is clear discrimination against older people. Conference calls on the National Executive Council to make representation through the appropriate channels to remedy this unfair state of discrimination.

The National Pensioners Convention

Conference regrets that: 1)Lord Turner and the Pensions Commission have made no recommendations to improve the basic state pension until 2010: 2)the Government White Paper has no plans to increase immediately the basic state pension which represents at least half of many pensioners’ weekly income. Conference believes that improving the basic state pension and paying […]

Annual State Pension Increase

Conference supports the view that to use the information needed to set the increase in state pension in the month of March that year preceding the April announcement would be much fairer because it would take into account any recent increases in costs, rather than using September the previous year. Conference calls upon the National […]

Women’s Pensions

Conference notes that the current pension system was designed in the 1940’s and cast women as dependents. This means that subsequent generations of women have lost out because of unequal pay, part-time working, and caring responsibilities giving them lower incomes over their lifetime and for too many, poverty in old age. The plight of women […]


Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to campaign for improvement in the monitoring of the quality of care for the elderly, disabled and chronically sick delivered by all providers. The malnutrition and abuse of the elderly must be eradicated, and the valuable work done by carers recognised. Conference also calls for the re-affirmation of […]