Rule B.1.9 At Work and in the Community

Rule B.1.9 delete “all” and insert “the United Kingdom Government, devolved administrations and all other”

English Regional Assemblies

2004 is likely to be a significant year in determining the future governance of England as three regions hold a referendum on directly elected assemblies. UNISON has consistently opposed, and continues to resist, the reorganisation of local government that will take place following a yes vote. Over the past year UNISON has resisted the government’s […]

Workforce Development

Conference believes that the Labour government has identified a huge deficit in the skills base of the country and has made positive efforts towards raising the skills levels of the workforce. The quantity and quality of skilled labour are important determinants of economic performance. Increasing the skill and qualification levels of the population increases the […]

Schedule C.5 Elections

Schedule C.5, third sentence: After “statements” insert “of a discriminatory, disparaging, racist or sexist nature or”

Review of the National Lay Membership Structure

This conference notes the actions taken to date by the Executive regarding the review of the Energy, Transport and Water and Environment service group structures at national level. Conference notes the outcome of the consultation exercise with all three service groups. Conference further notes that the majority of Water and Environment branches who responded have […]


Conference welcomes the recent consultation exercise conducted by the National Executive Council on policy development, bargaining and devolution. In doing so, it also reaffirms the policy established by Composite L carried at the 2003 National Delegate Conference which agreed that UNISON’s continuing commitment to regional democracy relied on the government precluding the abolition of county […]

Challenging Homophobic Harassment

Conference notes: 1)the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, which protect workers against discrimination, specifically including harassment, on the grounds of sexual orientation; 2)the seeming acceptability in certain circles of homophobia, including a number of famous music acts which encourage listeners to attack or even kill gay people; 3)a lawsuit registered with Cook County circuit […]

Shift Patterns

Conference is concerned at the continued difficulties faced by branches in negotiating variations to shift patterns for our members. It is recognised that there are innumerable versions across different forces and that they vary in their effectiveness in meeting the needs of our members. In order to enable branches to be more effective, Conference instructs […]

Royal Commission – Future Policing

Conference believes that the call for a Royal Commission by the Police Federation should be welcomed by UNISON. Should this call be accepted by the Government then UNISON should become involved at the earliest opportunity. This would serve to protect and convey the interests of our members.

Outsourcing of Forensic Services

This Conference is concerned that the Home Office is continually eroding the forensic services provided by police staff as a cheaper option. Conference recognises that this is not the case. UNISON believes that this is a core public service to which the principles of direct accountability apply. As such, this service must remain wholly publicly […]

Health and Safety

Conference notes with concern the lack of guidance and advice for branches relating to health and safety issues for police staff. More and more of our members are becoming ‘front-line staff’ yet information on health and safety for police specific issues is rare. The police service is going through many changes and branch resources are […]

Short -Term Funding

Conference notes the continued short-term funding for police staff for initiatives such as PSCOs and Custody Officers. Conference also notes that the short- term funding for Volume Crime Investigators is soon to run out. The reluctance of the Home Office to recognise that successful initiatives should be permanently funded is unacceptable. Continuance of this stance […]

Civilianisation Not Privatisation

Conference supports fully the Civilianisation programme within the Police Service. However, when does ‘civilianisation’ become ‘privatisation’? Forces are more and more informing their police authorities, communities and staff that it is civilianising police officer posts. However, police staff and communities do not see these roles being advertised; this is due to the real fact that […]

Workforce Modernisation

Conference understands that the Home Office wishes to engage with UNISON and other stakeholders over a police pay and workforce strategy for England and Wales. Conference notes that this engagement may now take place in the context of the PSC Pay and Reward Review. Conference confirms that it wishes to see the following problems being […]

Negotiating an End to Disability Discrimination

This Police Staff Conference applauds the work undertaken by UNISON’s National Disabled Members Committee to promote negotiated agreements that make provision for Disability Leave. We are concerned that there is no adequate legislative provision to compel Police Authorities to disregard disability related absence and the consequence of this in relation to sickness absence procedures. There […]