Britannia Building Society

Conference recalls resolutions of earlier conferences expressing concern whether the UNISON PLUS partner companies offer UNISON members a consistently non discriminatory service. It recalls particularly the resolution of the sixth conference which instructed the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to work with the National Executive Council to remind companies of the importnat that their policies […]

Opening Doors for Older Lesbians and Gay Men

Conference congratulates the work carried out by Age Concern in highlighting the needs of older lebians and gay men in respect of service provision. Conference applauds Age Concerns’s Conference “Opening Doors” held in April 2002 which brought service providers, policy makers and service users together to discuss the needs of older lesbians and gay men. […]

The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and “Disclosure”

Conference notes: 1The importance of ensuring that young people and vulnerable adults are protected from members of society who may wish to cause them physical, mental or sexual harm; 2)That the Government has introduced the Criminal “Disclosure” process in order to achieve these aims, and will continue to support the Government in achieving these goals. […]

Sale of the Millenium Dome

Conference notes: 1.That the Millenium Dome was built and funded as a facility for all people of the UK and not for the vested interests of private business. 2.That the proposed sale will transfer its use to a company that is backed by Phillip Anschlutz, who has a long history of supporting homophobic religious groups […]

Homophobic Harassment

Conference notes: 1.That harassment of lesbian and gay workers continues unabated despite the pending equalities legislation, and that one tactic becoming prevalent in such harassment is use of the media to smear lesbian and gay workers; 2.That the use of Commander Brian Paddick is only one example of such harassment using the homophobic agenda of […]

Raising Our Profile

Conference welcomes with enthusiasm the poster designed to advertise the 10th National Lesbian and Gay Conference. This acts as an excellent marketing tool to encourage members to become active within our union and could also assist with recruitment and retention throughout the organisation. Conference agrees that we need to encourage more members to become activists […]

Campaign for Reparation

Conference is appalled that the current Government refuses to recognise slavery as a crime against humanity, claiming it was “legal at the time”. Conference condemns the current Government for opposing reparation at the United Nations’ Anti-racism conference in Durban, South Africa last year. Conference recognises slavery as a heinous crime against our Black brothers and […]

Term of Office on National Lesbian and Gay Committee

Conference instructs the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) to increase the term of office for NLGC representatives from one to two years.

Civil Registered Partnerships

Conference notes that family law relating to lesbian and gay couples and unmarried heterosexual couples is currently being developed on a case by case basis in the UK. This has led to seemingly contradictory rulings by different courts in the different UK legal systems. Conference welcomes the introduction of partnership registers by the Greater London […]

Equality Matters and UNISON

Equality is the cornerstone of UNISON. Work on equality issues is integrated into the union’s core activities and into the bargining agenda. UNISON Scotland notes that 2003 is also an important year for the EU Framework Employment Directive which will bring in new protection from discrimination in employment, for sexual orientation, religion or belief and […]

Organising for Our Future

Conference instructs the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) to carry out the actions set out in the recommendations of the report ‘Organising for Our Future’ as follows: introduce a written constitution for the NLGC, from existing and agreed policies and procedures; increase the flow of information to activists by introducing more regular […]

Equality and Inclusion – Public Services Agenda for Lesbians & Gay Men – Inclusion in our Leisure

Conference notes that UNISON published a statement in June 2001 relating to Leisure Services for Lesbians and Gay Men. This statement made clear that: “UNISON believes the local administration of arts, sport and leisure can make an enormous difference to lesbians and gay men. Organised on the basis of inclusiveness, it can support lesbians and […]

Recognition of our Families and Partnerships

Conference welcomes the broadening of the debate on recognition of lesbian and gay partnerships. Conference notes that the Government has set up a team in the Women and Equality Unit to look into the issue of civil partnership registration and its associated rights and responsibilities and welcomes the participation of UNISON members in a survey […]

The Impact of Self-Organisation on the Bargaining Agenda

Conference believes that the fundamental purpose of our self-organisation is to improve the working lives of lesbians and gay men. Conference notes that the tenth anniversary of the formation of UNISON provides an opportunity to assess the impact of lesbian and gay self-organisation on the union’s bargaining agenda. Conference recognises that some progress has been […]

UNISON’s 10th Anniversary

Conference notes that 2003 will be UNISON’s 10th Anniversary. This will be a milestone anniversary of the coming together of the original 3 unions (COHSE, NUPE and NALGO). These 10 years have seen many achievements that UNISON should be proud of. Therefore this anniversary should be an opportunity to reflect on our achievements and renew […]