Raising Our Profile

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2002 National Lesbian & Gay Conference
1 August 2002
Carried as Amended

Conference welcomes with enthusiasm the poster designed to advertise the 10th National Lesbian and Gay Conference. This acts as an excellent marketing tool to encourage members to become active within our union and could also assist with recruitment and retention throughout the organisation.

Conference agrees that we need to encourage more members to become activists and also to recruit new members to Self Organisation and UNISON as a whole. In order to continue to develop this profile raising conference agrees that a National Advertising Campaign should be developed utilising the gay press including Attitude, Diva, Gay Time and the Pink Paper and mainstream Black and Disabled press. In order to maximise this and to pool resources, conference agrees to initiate discussions with all regions to tap into regional campaign funding and pool it with a share from National to embark on a series of prominent advertising campaigns timetabled to coincide with key UNISON events. Conference suggests that a working group be established with representatives from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland to develop a planned programme of advertising to be implemented, funding permitted, from January 2003. Conference instructs the National Committee to embark on initial negotiations with the gay press to try and obtain preferential advertising rates where possible.