Activating Our Members

Conference notes that UNISON Rules provide for a lesbian and gay (L&G) group in every branch but, after ten years, there are still no groups in most branches. Rather what has emerged is a varied picture which includes: 1. branch Groups; 2. multi-branch groups on various models; 3. informal networks often led and organised by […]

Working to Support Lesbian and Gay Issues in Further and Higher Education

This Conference welcomes the initiative and objectives of the recent publication “ACTION”, a joint AUT (Association of University Teachers)/NATFHE (National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education)/ATL (Association of Teachers and Lecturers) policy statement on equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) staff and students in Colleges and Universities. The document is detailed […]

Working with other Lesbian and Gay Trade Unionists in the English Regions

Conference welcomes the development of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender networks in most of the Trades Union Congress’s (TUC’s) English regions and in Scotland and Wales. It urges UNISON Regional Lesbian and Gay Committees to contribute to these developments and to make them a standing item on the agenda of their meetings. It instructs the […]

UNISON National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) and the Trades Union Congress Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (TUC LGBT) Committee

This Conference recognises the valuable work of the Trades Union Congress Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (TUC LGBT) Committee in building and developing policy for the TUC on LGBT issues and UNISON’s involvement in this. Conference also recognises the work of the voluntary LGBT organisations, but believes the trade union movement is best placed to […]

Trades Union Congress Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (TUC LGBT) Conference

Congress recalls its view that the Trades Union Congress Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (TUC LGBT) Conference should not always be held in London. (Resolution 17 of the eighth National Lesbian and Gay Conference, 2000.) Moreover, it notes that, this year, the conference was held later than usual and on dates which, as far as […]

Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003

Conference celebrates the fact that next week sees the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations come into force. The regulations will make it unlawful to discriminate against lesbians and gay men in the workplace. Conference applauds the fact that the regulations cover all sectors and that there is no small employer exemption. Conference recognises the input […]

Becoming a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgener Self-Organised Group

Conference welcomes the comprehensive consultation exercise on a possible extension of the lesbian and gay group to include bisexual and transgender members and the report that has been produced as result of that exercise. This Conference believes the UNISON lesbian and gay self-organised group should become a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender self-organised group, and […]

Homophobic Bullying in Schools and Isolation of Lesbian and Gay Students

Conference welcomes the end of Section 28, which was finally repealed receiving royal assent on September 18th, and notes the very long campaign for its repeal amongst the lesbian and gay (L&G) community and the broader labour movement. Conference in particular highlights the role played by trade unions in keeping up the pressure on the […]

Sex Discrimination Act (1975)

Conference notes that: 1.the Sex Discrimination Act (1975) forbids discrimination against married persons but offers no equivalent protection to unmarried persons; although, 2.the Equal Treatment Directive may protect married and unmarried persons equally from discrimination. Conference considers this is an “Achilles Heel” which may undermine legislation intended to promote equality for lesbians and gay men. […]

Lesbian and Gay Members with part-time jobs, manual jobs and other low paid jobs

Conference welcomes the progress this self-organised group (SOG) has made and has sustained towards achieving proportionality in its structure and towards achieving fair representation with respect to race and disability. Conference considers that this progress has resulted from specific structures, requirements and mechanisms applied rigorously and consistently and adequately resourced. It does not consider that […]

Making Policy and Carrying it out

This Conference notes that: 1.following each National Lesbian and Gay Conference the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) prepares an action plan on the decisions of Conference (Conference Action Report) which includes action points for branch and regional lesbian and gay (L&G) groups. However, this document is drawn up on the basis of the action […]

Trades Union Congress (TUC) General Council

Conference notes that: 1. in 2001 the Trades Union Congress (TUC) General Council was enlarged to include three new sections, H, I and J, each consisting of one seat and representing, respectively, trade unionists with disabilities, lesbian and gay trade unionists and trade unionists under 27 years of age. In 2002 bisexual and transgender trade […]

Asylum and the Treatment of Refugees

This Conference deplores the use of language in certain parts of the media and the Government which only provides fuel for racists such as the British National Party (BNP) to pour onto the fire that is currently burning in this country. In this, UNISON’s 10th anniversary year, Conference believes that we must all fight to […]

Working with STONEWALL

This Conference is proud of UNISON’s history of working in partnership with many organisations to campaign for equality for our members. This Conference is particularly proud of the close working relationship which the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) has had with Stonewall over the years. This Conference notes that many organisations have been involved […]

Workplace Bullying

Conference notes with concern the 2002 Industrial Relations Society report, which reveals that workplace bullying has replaced pay as the main complaint by workers. Conference also recognises that homophobic bullying and harassment at work is a major detriment to many lesbians and gay men and this is furthr exacerbated for black and disabled lesbians and […]