- Conference
- 2003 National Lesbian & Gay Conference
- Date
- 1 August 2003
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
Conference welcomes the development of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender networks in most of the Trades Union Congress’s (TUC’s) English regions and in Scotland and Wales.
It urges UNISON Regional Lesbian and Gay Committees to contribute to these developments and to make them a standing item on the agenda of their meetings.
It instructs the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to ensure they are consistently promoted in “Out in UNISON” and in other publications, events, training etc.
However, Conference also considers that the TUC should offer more of a lead to this work in England. It therefore urges the TUC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Committee to review developments to date and to consult regions and affiliated unions with a view to a report and discussion at the TUC LGBT Conference next year leading to a development plan covering such issues as:
1.how work at regional and national levels is to be co-ordinated and the communication strategy which is needed;
2.how the regional networks relate to the TUC Regional Councils:
3.how good practice and innovative pieces of work in the regions can be shared particularly where this concerns working with the LGBT communities and involvement with developing regional government;
4.proportionality and fair representation;
. 5.staff and resources.