Dependant Home Care Expenses Claim

Conference is pleased to acknowledge UNISON’s recent increase in the childcare and dependency allowance to £32 per day. In the current financial climate Conference’s concern is that this does not reflect the true cost of childcare in many parts of the country, especially in the south east of England where the cost of living is […]

Women and Alcohol

Conference notes research that tells us that more and more women are binge drinking and that alcoholism is on the increase. Alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of a woman developing heart disease, various cancers, including breast cancer and other chronic health conditions. Conference requests that the National Women’s Committee develop information to raise awareness of […]

Maternity Support Leave

Conference welcomes the provision for statutory paternity leave but notes with concern the low level of take-up. Conference considers this is explained by: 1)the level of statutory paternity pay, currently a maximum of £106 per week; 2)limited eligibility, restricted to the baby’s father or the partner of a woman on maternity leave, and 3)the confusing […]

Defend a Woman’s Right to Choose

Conference agrees that access to birth control and abortion is crucial for women’s equality. The 2005 general election campaign saw unprecedented attacks on a woman’s right to choose, and the anti-choice lobby is adopting increasingly aggressive tactics to seek to restrict abortion rights. In particular, the sensationalist focus on later abortion is designed to confuse […]

Women’s Participation in UNISON

Conference is proud to note that there are now over one million women members of UNISON, which equates to 75 per cent of our union’s membership. Conference welcomes initiatives such as the Pathways programme and the introduction of union learning representatives which have encouraged more women into active membership and has increased their participation as […]

Domestic Abuse – Absence Management Monitoring

For women today in the 21st century domestic abuse still remains taboo and hidden in society and in the workplace. For many women, the fear is of not being believed by work colleagues and management. Conference believes that too many women are suffering unnecessarily as a consequence of employers using absence management policies against employees. […]

No Women’s Caucus Meeting at National Delegate Conference 2005

Conference is disappointed to learn that at the National Delegate Conference in Glasgow last June the Women’s Self-Organised Group (SOG) was the only SOG not to hold a caucus meeting. Conference wishes to remind the National Women’s Committee that caucuses are key political events at which the body of the SOG membership can: 1)recognise themselves […]

Non-Molestation Orders

Conference notes with concern that many women on the receiving end of domestic abuse are not aware they can invoke a non-molestation order against the perpetrator. Molesting means harassing, pestering or interfering with you or your children in some way, and also includes assault. Assault can mean pushing, punching, slapping, throwing objects, spitting at you […]


This LGBT Caucus is concerned that, since the change of procedures, the LGBT Disabled Caucus did not have time to meet, to prepare motions to the National Disabled Members’ Conference, and the meeting on 6 August was cancelled by National Headquarters. Therefore the LGBT Caucus did not have time to prepare motions or amendments to […]

Failure of Anti-Harassment Enforcement Orders

The recent murder of Clare Bernal at Harvey Nichols in Knightsbridge highlights once again the failures of the criminal justice system in protecting women against male violence. Conference believes that until violence against women is given a priority by government and legislators, women such as Clare Bernal will continue to die needlessly at the hands […]

Access to Training for Part-time Workers

Conference notes that: 1)the number of part-time workers has increased dramatically over the last 20 years. There are now 7.3 million part-time workers in the United Kingdom and over three-quarters of them are women; 2)in UNISON about 40 percent of our women members work part-time; 3)women working part-time are earning on average 40 percent less […]


Conference notes that transgender members can experience disproportionate pressures when they develop their transition if they are married people. For members to be able to obtain a full Gender Recognition Certificate and consequently a birth certificate that recognises them in their chosen gender, they are placed under considerable pressure in the requirement to take part […]


Conference congratulates the National Delegate Conference in its determination to enable LGBT members in UNISON to be organised in the union in regional LGBT groups. Conference notes the work undertaken by the National LGBT Committee, so far in relation to how blood donation operates and its impact upon mainly gay potential donors who are unable […]

New Ways of Working

Conference commends the National Women’s Committee for the hard work it carries out throughout the year. Unfortunately, the National Women’s Committee is faced with an unrealistic workload. The tasks arising from the previous National Women’s Conference motions, together with valuable time spent planning and preparing for the next annual National Women’s Conference, are impracticable. Motions […]

London Bombings

We condemn the horrific attacks on London on 7 July, 2005, and extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved families and friends of the 55 who died, and to the hundreds of others who have endured terrible physical and psychological injuries. We applaud the commitment and courage displayed by fire fighters, health workers, council workers […]