Media centre

National media team

These numbers are for media ​use only, not for queries about membership or general enquiries about the union.

Liz Chinchen is on duty for the weekend of 8/9 June. If you’ve already sent an email, please do follow up with a call, text or WhatsApp. Many thanks

Liz Chinchen E: M: 07778 158175
Anthony Barnes E: M: 07834 864794
Fatima Ayad E: M: 07508 080383

Wirral hospitals strike paused as workers win back pay after lengthy campaign

Healthcare staff rebanding payments on the table

New Environment Agency offer means strike suspension and pay talks

Government finally gives green light to talk about pay

Swelling bankers’ pay packets won’t help people struggling with bills

Ministers should be helping the millions struggling with rising bills, not allowing their wealthy pals to feather their nests further

Thousands of staff will be left behind after real living wage rise, says UNISON 

Increase is good news for many, but others need help

UNISON appoints new regional secretary in the South West

Winning a better deal for public services in the region and for the dedicated public servants that run them is top of my list.  

The cash crisis in councils is worsening by the day

That will mean even more cuts to services and further hardship for communities everywhere.

Ministers must come clean on the full scale of crumbly concrete

This will only add to the uncertainty and anxiety already being felt by pupils, parents and staff.

Surge plans needed to spare NHS staff and patients this winter

Latest NHS waiting list paints a grim picture of what lies ahead

Patient confidence in the NHS must be rebuilt

Labour plans will kickstart the recovery

Numeracy commitment will mean investment in children and staff

Early years skills will equip children for life

Labour’s serious plan will get the UK back on its feet

Public services would be in safer hands with change of government

Recovering lost Covid cash would mean billions for struggling public services

Labour’s plans would create growth, attract investment and boost incomes

Social care would be transformed under a Labour government

Overhaul would dramatically improve support and change workers’ lives

An election can’t come soon enough to bring the change the UK needs

Angela Rayner speech made clear why the UK would be better off with Labour

Short-term help is welcome but NHS needs permanent workforce fix

Voluntary scheme with fair pay makes sense

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