Media centre

National media team

These numbers are for media ​use only, not for queries about membership or general enquiries about the union.

Fatima Ayad is on duty this weekend 15/16 June. If you’ve already sent an email, please do follow up with a call, text or WhatsApp. Many thanks

Liz Chinchen E: M: 07778 158175
Anthony Barnes E: M: 07834 864794
Fatima Ayad E: M: 07508 080383

Energy firm OVO must halt job cut plans and find another solution

Further cuts will damage services

Care sector couldn’t function without its migrant workforce, says UNISON

A national care service and a fair pay agreement for care staff are needed to reform the care service

NHS pay key to cutting waiting lists, says UNISON

The government must negotiate a proper pay package for health workers to halt the steady drain of experience from the NHS

A significant pay rise is essential for local government and school staff, say unions

Claim calls for a wage rise of £3,000 or 10%, whichever is higher

Mitie must pay healthcare workers what they are owed or strikes will continue, say UNISON and Unite

Staff will strike for second time today over failure to honour NHS lump-sum payment

Hundreds of Mitie staff striking today at Dudley Group hospitals

Staff demand NHS payment given to hundreds of thousands of other health workers

Good employers must do the right thing for menopausal women

Staff must be helped to feel comfortable

Prospective MPs urged to back new national care service

A national care service would mean the quality of care is of the same high standard, no matter where in the country it was being provided.

The government’s plan to tackle polluting water companies is wide of the mark

Adding a handful of inspectors will make little difference

Government must double maternity pay so mothers can afford to eat and heat homes

Women cannot afford to live on current weekly rate of £172.48

Women in the UK’s public services repeatedly denied flexible-work requests

More must be done to accommodate requests

Ambulance workplace culture needs to change

Review recognises need for change to improve services

Women in the UK’s public services repeatedly denied flexible-work requests, says UNISON

Inconsistent, rigid and unimaginative employers are denying individuals the flexibility they need

Decent NHS pay rise is crucial if both the workforce and the economy are to grow, say health unions

Report sets out case for decent pay

Pay is key to fixing staffing crisis and getting NHS waiting lists down

If the prime minister wants to meet his pledge, he must act over pay

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