More than 30 striking Care UK workers from Doncaster took their pay dispute to London for the second time, today.
The delegation represented some 70 UNISON members, who are in the middle of a two-week strike. They are demanding a “meaningful” pay rise for staff transferred from the NHS under TUPE, and the living wage for all others.
Their intention today was to meet Care UK’ parent company, Bridgepoint Capital, to push the company for a positive response to their claim.
But Yorkshire and Humberside regional organiser Jim Bell said that when they arrived at Bridgepoint’s central London offices, the doors were locked against them.
“I think they were tipped off that we were coming,” he said. “But although Bridgepoint refused to see us, we’ve demonstrated to them that this dispute is not going away any time soon.”
The delegates also called on the Department of Health, where they presented a letter outlining their grievance.
The pay claim is the latest chapter in a long-running dispute that started when a contract for the NHS service was handed to Care UK.
Staff have already taken 34 days of action earlier this year, over Care UK’s attack on their terms and conditions, notably enhancements – which meant for some a pay cut of 35%.
Mr Bell said that bringing the dispute to London was “a tremendous boost to morale” for everyone involved.
“This a solid group of workers. They love being together and they love taking action together. And they realise they’re not going to get anything without a struggle.”
Messages of support or donations should be sent to:
Yvonne Butcher, branch secretary
Doncaster District and Bassetlaw Health Branch, 20511
Jenkinson House
White Rose Way
Doncaster DN4 5GJ