Pension rights for councillors?

UNISON responds to government consultation saying elcted councillors and local office holders should continue to be allowed to join the Local Government pension scheme

UNISON enters talks with National Grid over pensions

UNISON is negotiating for an improved offer on defined contribution pensions for all National Grid staff

UNISON commits to finding a solution for National Grid pensions

UNISON is committed to finding a solution to National Grid pensions

Nuneaton wishes NHS a vintage happy 65th birthday

Celebrations kick off with a 1948 NHS costume tea party, complete with land girls, period uniforms, vintage coaches and ration books

UNISON calls on WLGA to disassociate from incremental pay progression block

In response to Chancellor George Osbornes announcement that he plans to block incremental pay progression, UNISON Cymru/Wales head of local government Dominic MacAskill, said: “The Chancellor clearly had no understanding of how pay progression work in practice

UNISON attends Empty Purse event at Stormont

UNISON joined forces with various pressure groups at Stormont today to protest against the Welfare Reform Bill

Swansea UNISON members vote on Single Status offer

Swansea UNISON members vote on employer’s Single Status and Job evaluation offer

Scottish unions launch Fair Pay Day for local government

Scottish local government unions launch Fair Pay Day in support of workers preparing to vote on strike action

There for You AGM and seminar, 2014

The 2014 There for You annual general meeting and seminar will be held at UNISON’s Croyde Bay hoiday resort in Devon, 8-10 May

Strike ballot over plans to axe 155 community care jobs and slash salaries

UNISON members employed by Cornerstone Community Care in the West of Scotland are being balloted on industrial action following proposals to cut 155 support workers jobs

New UNISON presidential team announced

New presidential team announced as NEC meets for the first time since national delegate conference closes

Local government SGE by-election

Due to a resignation, a by-election will be held for the Cymru/Wales female seat on the local government service group executive

Solidarity with Rochdale strikers

Conference gives unanimous backing to Future Directions workers striking to defeat massive pay cuts and attacks on terms and conditions

Delegates backs bargaining for jobs and against poverty

UNISON national delegate conference sets challenge on dealing with bargaining in austerity

UNISON campaign saves Southampton bus services

UNISON report keeps Southampton hospital bus services running.