Government should plough money into social care, not tax cuts

Tax cuts for the rich have deprived the UK public of almost £14 billion

Tax cut for rich means billions lost to Exchequer

Cutting the income tax for people earning more than £1m per year has deprived the Exchequer of more than £8.6bn over the past five years, according to new analysis by UNISON published today (Sunday). The April 2013 decision to cut the top rate of income tax from 50p to 45p has also saved the richest […]

Tax avoidance and tax havens must be tackled

Those with the most at their disposal should be making the biggest contribution to our public services

Tide is turning against government’s austerity programme, says UNISON

The public willingness to accept cuts to public services is ‘exhausted’

I wish I could be shocked by the “Panama Papers”

Tax avoidance on this scale is simply the poorest paying the price for the grubby venality of the rich. Governments around the world now need to develop concrete and workable solutions to root out tax avoidance and crack down on tax havens. David Cameron has planned a summit in May, but warm words will be insufficient.