Rosie MacGregor moving a motion on care at NDC 2023, Liverpool

Care dominates debate at national delegate conference

What’s happening with adult social care in England and the devolved nations, provided a comprehensive debate on day two of national delegate conference

Jackie Lewis speaking at UNISON's local government conference 2023

Care workers take centre stage at local government conference

“Insourcing, insourcing, insourcing is the solution to market failure”, delegates hear

Support Guaranteed: The roadmap to a national care service

A new report from the Fabian Society was launched at Westminster last week

Launch event of the Fabian report 'Support Guarenteed' showing a top table with 5 speakers. Ben Cooper, Christina McAnea, Dr Anna Dixon, West Streeting MP and Andrew Harrop. Seated in front of Fabians graphics.

Roadmap launched for a national care service to transform lives, says UNISON 

A national care service would boost wages, put quality above profit-making and ensure everyone receives the support they need.

UNISON launches its campaign for a National Care Service in England

‘Social care now needs to be moved to the front of the queue’

Portrait of Christina McAnea

Blog: Launching UNISON’s campaign for a National Care Service

It’s time for change. Social care should become part of a nationally recognised institution, as respected as the NHS