Champions campaign helping to turn the tide against austerity

UNISON will continue to ‘harness members voices from the frontline’ in its campaigning

Adult social care is the biggest pressure on councils

Research reveals the pressure on councils

Tide is turning against government’s austerity programme, says UNISON

The public willingness to accept cuts to public services is ‘exhausted’

Education dominates local government conference on final afternoon

Debates see delegates back a range of measures on pay, academies, funding and much more

Delegates call for action on local government pay

Local government conference hears that pay has fallen behind that in other public services

No consultation on Ceredigion council cuts

UNISON is furious at public funding payout to firm advising on cuts

Public library service ‘hollowed out’ by job losses and cuts

UNISON backs BBC report that reveals loss of 8,000 jobs and 343 libraries in six years

UNISON teams with young people to fight cuts to youth services

Union is seeking to protect youth services ‘for the long term’

The truth about the cuts

UNISON members describe how cuts to services are affecting both themselves and the people in their care

The truth about the cuts: the social worker

UNISON members reveal how cuts in services affect both them and the people in their care

The truth about the cuts: the homecare worker

UNISON members reveal how cuts in services affect both them and the people in their care

Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, visiting Bemerton Children’s Centre in Islington, London

Save our children’s centres

UNISON campaign highlights closure of over 600 children’s centres since 2010

UNISON lobbies for pay justice for school and council workers

Cymru Wales members gather at local government meeting

UNISON general secretary salutes members ahead of Rhondda lobby

Local government workers protest over slashed car allowance

UNISON fair funding lobby of Welsh Assembly

UNISON members to present petition to Assembly members at Senedd building