Conference notes with extreme concern that some of our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) members are facing hostility and violent discriminatory behaviour from service users and members of the public. Conference is particularly anxious that our members face threats to their personal safety in the line of their duties, and that these issues are […]


Conference welcomes the public service provided by the provision of Travel Advice by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) on the internet. In providing this public service, the FCO aims to ensure that British Travellers are well prepared. The advice given includes sections on Safety and Security, Health and Local Laws and Customs. The Local […]


Conference recalls the resolution of the Twelfth National Lesbian and Gay Conference deploring homophobic violence in Jamaica and supporting the work of the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-sexuals and Gays (JFLAG). Conference welcomes this self-organised group’s continuing work on this issue and that of others and it urges branch and regional Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and […]


Conference welcomes the increased level of protection provided by the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 in the areas of employment and training, but notes with concern that the same level of protection does not exist in relation to the provision of goods, facilities and services to LGBT people. Conference notes with regret that the […]


Conference notes that: 1.Following earlier changes to secure the representation of Black trades unionists, in 2001 the Trades Union Congress (TUC) General Council was further enlarged to include three new sections, H, I and J, each consisting of one seat and representing, respectively, trades unionists with disabilities, Lesbian and Gay trades unionists and trades unionists […]

Patients’ Forums

Conference will be aware that community health councils have been replaced with various types of patients forums designed to give people a say in the way in which their local hospital provides services. But too often the voice of older people is not heard and their views and needs not taken into account adequately. Therefore […]

Retired Members’ Objectives for Labour Link

Following the election of a Labour government for a third term, Conference requests that the National Retired Members’ Committee work with UNISON Labour Link as appropriate to promote the following objectives: 1)restoration of the link between pensions and earnings; 2)personal care to be included in long term care of the elderly; 3)free concessionary travel for […]

Charter for Public Transport

UNISON retired members have long recognised the need for affordable and efficient public transport for older people. Conference welcomes the launch of UNISON’s charter for public transport. It stresses the need to re-regulate services to produce improvements and highlights the failure of privatisation with bus fares rising faster than inflation and faster than motoring costs. […]

Campaign Against Government Increases for Life Long Learning Charge

Conference notes the increases in charges to attend classes for Lifelong Learning being proposed by the government. This will affect people on low pay and fixed incomes, especially pensioners. Any reduction in class attendance will result in class closures to the detriment of the students who attend for both academic, cultural and social stimulus. There […]

Meals on Wheels Changes

Conference notes with regret that some councils/social services are to stop daily deliveries of meals on wheels to senior citizens and vulnerable members of our communities. The service is to be replaced by a weekly delivery of frozen food packs. It is also proposed that anyone who does not have a microwave oven or freezer […]

Dedicated Care for Patients and Elderly or Have a Disability

Conference asks the National Executive Council to fight for the following changes to the National Health Service to ensure the comfort and care of elderly and disabled patients: An extra dedicated member of staff will be made available to all elderly and disabled patients when they are admitted to hospital. This member of staff will […]

Identity Cards

The government has admitted that the introduction of compulsory identity cards and the establishment of a National Identity Register will not in itself overcome international terrorism. Likewise, it has been admitted that benefit fraud is only a tiny part of the problem in the benefit system. Given the cost of introducing the scheme and the […]

Draconian Changes in Terror Trials

The Home Secretary, David Blunkett is proposing a raft of new measures and amendments to existing anti-terrorism legislation which will extend his powers and local law enforcement agencies which include the following:- ·creation of ‘no jury anti-terrorist courts, these are all under the guise of building safe and secure communities ·introduction of special terrorism trials […]


Conference welcomes the House of Lords Judgement in the Mendoza tenancy case. Conference congratulates the NLGC and the National Officer on the production of “Not Just a Friend” the Best Practice guidance on healthcare for lesbian, gay and bisexual service users and their families. Conference notes that the Cymru/Wales regional lesbian and gay self-organised group […]


Conference believes the UNISON lesbian and gay self-organised group should become a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender self-organised group and that the rules should be changed to facilitate this. Conference is committed to campaigning to win the vote at National Delegate Conference (NDC) in 2005. Conference is disappointed that its resolution to NDC in 2004 […]