Identity Cards

The government has admitted that the introduction of compulsory identity cards and the establishment of a National Identity Register will not in itself overcome international terrorism. Likewise, it has been admitted that benefit fraud is only a tiny part of the problem in the benefit system. Given the cost of introducing the scheme and the […]

Draconian Changes in Terror Trials

The Home Secretary, David Blunkett is proposing a raft of new measures and amendments to existing anti-terrorism legislation which will extend his powers and local law enforcement agencies which include the following:- ·creation of ‘no jury anti-terrorist courts, these are all under the guise of building safe and secure communities ·introduction of special terrorism trials […]

Recovery of Council Tax Arrears from the Elderly

Conference expresses its concern at the proposals recently suggested by Coventry city and no doubt under consideration by other councils, to take steps to reduce the current council tax arrears, especially with regard to the draconian proposals for dealing with debt involving the elderly. These proposals including increases in the taking of bankruptcy proceedings, forcing […]

Crisis in Pensions

Conference notes the publication of the First Report of the Pensions Commission on Tuesday, 12 October 2004. In particular, Conference notes that the Commission has identified three ways to alleviate the pensions crisis: a)People must save more (compulsory savings cannot be ruled out); b)People must work longer; c)People must pay more (tax and/or contributions). Conference […]

Turner Commission Report

Conference notes that the first part of the Turner Commission Report on Pensions is published on Tuesday, 12 October. The report will not recommend specific policy solutions but provide a detailed analysis of the pensions crisis. Leaked information, which appeard in the national press on Sunday, 10 October, reveals that the Turner report has identified […]


Conference welcomes the decisions taken by this year’s National Delegate Conference to address the impact of devolution to the nations of the United Kingdom on UNISON’s structures and decision-making processes. UNISON has been at the forefront of campaigning for devolution, recognising the opportunities that different political structures provide to influence policy makers for the benefit […]

Pensioners’ Manifesto

Conference welcomes the production of the pensioners’ manifesto by the National Pensioners’ Convention. The final version of the manifesto will include a summary of the main priorities as well as a costing of how the policies can be funded. This is a truly historic initiative to put forward a coherent set of pensioners’ demands at […]

Council Tax Relief

Whilst appreciating the action taken by the government for those national insurance retired pensioners over the age of 70, by the one off payment of £100 to alleviate the effects of the rising council tax, Conference notes with regret that the government is still practising ageism by rewarding the £100 council tax relief only to […]

Health Inequalities and Disabled Black people

Conference is concerned about inequality inequalities in health service provision for disabled black people. We welcome proposed changes to the Disability Discrimination Act to provide protection from discrimination to people diagnosed with cancer, HIV and multiple sclerosis. However we are concerned that inadequate health service provision for disabled black people could result in disadvantage to […]

Accessible Health Screening

Conference is aware of the post code lottery existing throughout the NHS. John Reid pledged to end such practices following the report into NHS funding and service provisions in his speech in parliament in July 2004. Whilst Conference applauds the promises made to develop a fairer and equal distribution of health provision, we remain concerned […]


The Sudanese government’s campaign of the ethnic cleansing of Black Africans is all but complete. State-backed Arab militia and the Sudanese army have driven over a million people from their homes. Murder, rape and robbery are the tools used to force Black Africans to flee the Darfur region. The West’s response has been to flood […]


Conference note that over the last 18 years, the rebels of Lord Resistance Army (LRA) have been abducting children, torturing and slaughtering innocent people of Northern & Eastern Uganda. The 18 year war against Uganda Government by the LRA has resulted in numerous massacres of the local population and the abduction of up to 20,000 […]


Since the Amendment to the Race Relations Acts of 1976 and the implementation of the Race Equality Schemes in April 2002, little progress appears to have been made in all of the public sectors. Employers continue to drag their heels and demonstrate lack of enthusiasm regarding producing and implementing their Race Equality Schemes. Conference therefore […]


This Black Members’ Conference notes the Government’s programme of managed migration and acknowledges that there is a need to open a proper debate about the demand for migration workers. If the UK is to sustain its place as the world’s fourth largest economy then migration is needed. Conference believes that as well as accepting the […]


At the National Delegate Conference in 1997 Conference voted overwhelmingly for paid Black officers in every region – to be available amongst other things, to advise on the quality of representation afforded to Black Members. The union saw fit never to implement this motion despite the motion being union policy. Prior to and since this […]