The Effects on staff going through the Menopause

In the Community & Voluntary Sector which includes care provision, charities, not for profit organisations and housing associations, women make up nearly half of the workforce and with the increasing numbers of older workers many well be either be currently experiencing the menopause or will have worked through it. Around eight in ten women report […]

Standing Up for Fair Pay for CVS Workers in Commissioned Services

Community conference welcomes the recent nationally negotiated pay deals for Local Government and the NHS giving many public service workers deserved pay rises. However, many members in the Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) work for employers who are held in long-term contracts with the public sector, with no annual or inflationary uplifts built into those […]

Pay Negotiations

Conference recognises that the police staff pay negotiations should be approached in a different way following the extended 2017 negotiations and subsequent disappointed settlement. Conference acknowledges this was negatively influenced by the police officers Pay Review Body award and in addition, due to the timing of the consultation process, members saw UNISON colleagues in other […]

Bargaining for good Mental Health policies in Police and Justice workplaces

Conference notes that our workplaces are changing, with members in Police and Justice facing increased workloads as targets are raised year on year and working conditions often deteriorating when services are privatised. These pressures have made the importance of ensuring good mental health in our workplaces clear. At least one in four of us will […]

Police Staff Council Pay and Reward Review Part 2

Conference welcomes the start of work on the Police Staff Council Pay and Reward Review Part 2. Conference notes that: 1)The terms of reference for Part 2 of the Review cover how police staff basic pay is determined and administered by forces, the relationship between police staff pay and workforce reform in the widest sense […]

Suspension is not a Neutral Act

Conferences notes with concern that UNISON members who are under investigation by their force or the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) appear to be facing longer periods of suspension for misconduct reasons, where they are removed from their workplace, isolated from their colleagues and generally left to look after their own welfare and mental […]

Bargaining for good Mental Health policies in WET workplaces

Conference notes that our workplaces are changing, with members in Water, Environment and Transport (WET) facing increased workloads as targets are increased year on year and working conditions often deteriorate under TUPE transfers. These pressures have made the importance of ensuring good mental health in WET workplaces clear. At least one in four of us […]

Working Together In Local Government

Conference notes UNISON’s Working Together guidelines and recognises the benefits of abiding by these guidelines. Ensuring all activists and members are aware of these guidelines gives everyone confidence to contribute and engage to their full potential which ultimately makes our union stronger. The Working Together guidelines remind all members of the importance of respect, accessibility […]

Term Time Working

This conference believes that in many schools and local authorities, staff on term time only contracts are being treated less favourably than their full time colleagues in respect of their pay and other conditions of service. UNISON has seen many examples of term time staff not receiving their pro-rata entitlements to benefits such as pay, […]

Support Library and Cultural services

Conference recognises libraries and cultural services, such as museums and public parks, have been suffering financial cuts over many years as councils struggle under the government’s austerity policies. There has been a systematic attack on the term and conditions of and undermining of the professionalism of people still employed in these services. Conference recognises the […]

Organising in Schools and Multi Academy Trusts

For the last few years UNISON has organised Stars in our Schools to shine a light on the wonderful work of support staff. So often they are the unsung heroes of schools. Teaching assistants, midday supervisors, admin workers, catering staff and cleaning staff are part of the whole education team, who make our schools the […]

Funding for Early Years

This Conference believes that the current levels of funding across the UK for early education and care are insufficient to provide for the high quality of services our young children deserve. The recent research report from UNISON Scotland on the impact of early years staff on children’s outcomes found that the biggest single factor in […]

Working for Decent Pensions

Conference recognises that our occupational pensions are deferred wages and that it is essential that UNISON and its members are actively involved in the governance of our pension schemes and funds. Conference congratulates those members who represent UNISON on the many of the boards of the LGPS schemes. This is a critical role and UNISON […]

Local Government and Brexit

Conference notes that when the UK leaves the European Union (EU), a large amount of EU regional aid will be lost. The Local Government Association’s report ‘Beyond Brexit’, published in July 2017, calculated that the funding gap would be £8.4bn. This funding has been used by local areas to create jobs, deliver skills training, and […]

Dealing With the Menopause in the Workplace

Conference notes with concern that little account is taken of factors which affect women going through the menopause in councils and schools. For some women, though by no means all, the menopause presents particular difficulties, which may include insomnia, tiredness, loss of concentration and forgetfulness, as well as the potentially lower levels of physical fitness. […]