Support Library and Cultural services

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2018 Local Government Service Group Conference
22 February 2018
Carried as Amended

Conference recognises libraries and cultural services, such as museums and public parks, have been suffering financial cuts over many years as councils struggle under the government’s austerity policies. There has been a systematic attack on the term and conditions of and undermining of the professionalism of people still employed in these services. Conference recognises the importance of these services to local communities as they contribute to the education and social cohesion of communities and give access to learning, art and leisure to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Conference applauds those branches that have resisted the closure of these services alongside their local communities and pledges to continue supporting these campaigns.

Conference condemns those councils that promote the use of volunteers to run local libraries, community halls and museums, replacing trained and professional staff.

Conference calls on the SGE to:

1)Lobby national politicians on the importance of these services;

2)Produce materials highlighting the threat to these services that branches can use in their local campaigns;

3)Produce a cultural charter that councils should adopt to commit to protecting these services for their communities;

4)Encourage branches to promote library use amongst members and the community.

Conference also calls on all branches, in all sectors, to explore how they can encourage members to use these local services and to explore how UNISON can work in partnership with our members in these services.