Term Time Working

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2018 Local Government Service Group Conference
22 February 2018
Carried as Amended

This conference believes that in many schools and local authorities, staff on term time only contracts are being treated less favourably than their full time colleagues in respect of their pay and other conditions of service.

UNISON has seen many examples of term time staff not receiving their pro-rata entitlements to benefits such as pay, annual leave entitlement, maternity leave and pay, occupational sick pay and redundancy payments.

The conference notes that a NJC Working Group has been established to look at issues relating to staff employed on term time only contracts. The working group is due to produce joint guidance on term time working issues in 2018.

This conference calls on the service group executive to:

1)Provide additional UNISON negotiating advice to support branches negotiating local agreements on term time working;

2) Make training available for branches on the issues that can affect staff on term time only contracts;

3) Provide support to branches in cases where UNISON believes employers are discriminating against term time only employees.