Conference notes with extreme concern that some of our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) members are facing hostility and violent discriminatory behaviour from service users and members of the public. Conference is particularly anxious that our members face threats to their personal safety in the line of their duties, and that these issues are […]


Conference supports the Refugee Learning Project, being piloted by Unison Scotland which aims to give asylum seekers work experience in social service and health settings with mentor support to hopefully eventually allow them to obtain employment in these areas. This project is benefiting asylum seekers practically by integrating them into the community further, and tackling […]


Delegates to Conference have seen the statement on acceptable behaviour issued with the Conference papers. They are also aware of a variety of acceptable behaviour statements in use across UNISON as guidance for training courses, meetings and conferences. Such statements are not always comprehensive, or best worded. It should not always be up to those […]


Conference congratulates all activists on achieving the rule change at this year’s National Delegate Conference and welcomes the opportunity to meet at this, our first LGBT conference. Conference notes the interim LGBT committee structure as reported to last year’s Lesbian and Gay conference i.e. 24 regional representatives (1 female, 1 general from each region), 5 […]


Conference notes that since 1999 it has been unlawful to discriminate against workers on grounds of gender reassignment and since 2003 it has been unlawful to discriminate against workers on grounds of sexual orientation. We have also won further protections and rights in the workplace through the Gender Recognition Act and Civil Partnership Act. UNISON […]

Disability Equality Duty

Conference warmly welcomes the new disability equality duty that is due to come into force in December 2006, we believe this will provide UNISON with a great new organising tool as well as the opportunity to challenge disability discrimination at work and within public services. It is a strengthened version of the race duty – […]

Recognition of British Sign Language

Conference is outraged that teaching establishments across the United Kingdom are threatening the recognition of British Sign Language (BSL) and the future of deaf people. We call upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee to work with the National Executive Council to continue to campaign for BSL to be recognised in reality by: 1)challenging proposals to […]

Commission for Equality and Human Rights

Conference welcomes the progress made on the introduction of a single Commission for Equality and Human Rights(CEHR). However Conference is very concerned that there are still no plans to introduce legislation relating to the CEHR’s powers, constitution, terms of reference and details of the various strands and their link to each other. Conference is also […]

Public Bodies

Conference is delighted that changes to legislation in April 2005 will impose a new disability equality duty on public bodies and some private companies. We believe these new duties could reconstruct a barrier-free society and provide equality of opportunity for the millions of disabled people who are in work, want to work, and those who […]

Prescription Charges and Exemptions

Conference congratulates the Welsh Assembly in agreeing to eliminate the charges that the people of Wales pay for prescription charges. Already reduced to £4 per prescription item, and in the lifetime of the current Welsh Assembly there is commitment to having free prescriptions in Wales by the end of 2006. Conference notes that there are […]

Amnesty for Illegal Workers to End Exploitation

Conference notes: 1)there are many thousands of paperless workers out there, without whose work the economy would grind to a standstill; 2)paperless workers are the invisible engine room of twilight London. No Londoner can easily escape involvement in this exploitation. Paperless workers serve us meals in restaurants, clean our hospitals, our hotels, streets and tube […]

Participation in Campaigning Activities

Conference recognises the right of every member to take part in the union’s campaigning activities, including attendance at marches and rallies. It is therefore important that, as with all other areas of the union’s work, steps are taken to ensure such events are fully accessible to disabled members. We therefore call upon the National Disabled […]

Patients’ Forums

Conference will be aware that community health councils have been replaced with various types of patients forums designed to give people a say in the way in which their local hospital provides services. But too often the voice of older people is not heard and their views and needs not taken into account adequately. Therefore […]

Retired Members’ Objectives for Labour Link

Following the election of a Labour government for a third term, Conference requests that the National Retired Members’ Committee work with UNISON Labour Link as appropriate to promote the following objectives: 1)restoration of the link between pensions and earnings; 2)personal care to be included in long term care of the elderly; 3)free concessionary travel for […]

Charter for Public Transport

UNISON retired members have long recognised the need for affordable and efficient public transport for older people. Conference welcomes the launch of UNISON’s charter for public transport. It stresses the need to re-regulate services to produce improvements and highlights the failure of privatisation with bus fares rising faster than inflation and faster than motoring costs. […]