Conference regrets that in his March 2008 Budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, again failed to increase the basic state pension to restore its value if the link to average earnings had not been broken by Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government. Pensioners should have an immediate rise now to restore the pension value and […]


Conference notes the ever increasing closures of post offices across the whole of the UK. Post offices are not just somewhere to buy stamps or post letters and parcels but are in fact a vital asset both in rural and urban areas. Many pensioners do not have a banking account and particularly in rural areas […]

Flexible Working

Conference is appalled that police forces are using the notion of flexible working to pursue an agenda of rationalisation which in reality is a cost cutting exercise and one based on more ‘for less’. UNISON condemns this practice that requires our members to work longer hours for no increase in salary, a pay cut by […]


This conference recognises that the government’s simplification of dental charges was a worthy aim. However, it has recently been announced that dental charges paid by NHS patients have increased by over £1 million per week. There are three bands of charging and it would appear that many treatments are charged at the highest band of […]


This conference calls upon the National Retired Members’ Committee and the National Executive Council to make representations to government on behalf of pensioners protesting against a reduction in the chiropody service through the closure of chiropody clinics.


Conference has been appalled to read in the press that a retired couple elected to commit suicide rather than face being separated into different care homes when one partner becomes unable to care for the other. It is unacceptable that couples who’ve been together for most of their lives are separated at a time when […]


It has been more than ten years since we were promised that all hospital wards would be ‘single sex’. We are now advised that this will now not be possible and that hospitals will be encouraged to work towards providing ‘single bays’ We recognise that whilst everyone is concerned by this decision we consider that […]


This Retired Members’ Conference deplores the inequality in Social Care in the Community. Having closed Old People’s Homes and promising that this was so that the money could be used to assist people in their own homes, it appears to be another postcode lottery as to what assistance is given and to what is free […]


Conference notes that 3.5 million older people in the UK live alone due to factors which include bereavement and social isolation. Women are particularly affected as they are more likely than men to be widowed e.g. 3 in 5 women aged 75 and over live alone. Conference further notes that for single persons or persons […]

Training and Skills Shortages in the Energy Industry

Conference recognises that there exists a serious risk of skill shortages for many job types across the energy industry. This is partly related to demographics and an ageing workforce but also partly due to the increasing difficulty of recruiting younger workers with the right skills and knowledge into the energy sector. UNISON’s contribution to the […]

LGBT Representatives in Energry

Conference welcomes the Energy Executive’s continuing support for equal opportunities through the Business and Environment Equal Opportunities Working Group (BEEOWG) and the continued success of the annual equalities seminar. Conference notes that LGBT members within the Energy sector are becoming better organised and now have an email mailing list that allows regular communication with members […]

Fuel Poverty and the Energy Bill

Conference welcomes the publication of the report produced by the National Right to Fuel Campaign with support from UNISON that highlighted the extremely high prices being charged to consumers by the energy companies. Conference also endorses UNISON’s call for an Inquiry by the Competition Commission into the energy market and the imposition of a windfall […]

A Future Sustainable Energy Industry

Conference welcomes UNISON’s approach to the UK’s future energy needs. It is clear that to develop a sustainable energy industry capable of meeting the legitimate needs of the public will require a mixed approach to generation. This must include a significant role for renewables and micro generation for small scale use, particularly for the domestic […]

Global Warming Effects

Conference notes with concern the dramatic effect flooding had across many parts of the UK during 2007. Most experts including the Environment Agency and many climatologists are attributing the events to global warming. The 2007 floods showed how unprepared we are to deal with the consequences of localised flooding, let alone rising sea levels. The […]

Rising Prices and Fuel Poverty

The definition of fuel poverty is generally accepted as an individual or family who spend more than 10% of their disposable income to keep warm. In 2002 when the fuel poor numbered 2m, as a developed country, we were rightly appalled. How then should we be reacting as the number rose to 4m in the […]