Conference welcomes the introduction of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 [CPA] which recognises our partnerships and families. However, conference notes that same-sex co-habiting couples who choose not to register their partnerships will have obligations in respect of claiming welfare benefits. Conference notes that disabled and black LGBT members are more likely to be low paid […]


Conference notes that in the UK, people living with HIV/AIDS face discrimination and harassment at work and within wider society. HIV/ AIDS has always been a workplace – and a trade union – issue. From December 2005, workers living with HIV will be covered by the anti-discrimination provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act from the […]


This Conference believes: 1.To be LGBT remains illegal in many countries across the world, with LGBT people facing life prison sentences, beatings, rape, torture and even death; 2.Even in countries where the state does not officially sanction severe repression of LGBT people, homophobia and transphobia can be brutally rife; 3.The UK Asylum system should provide […]


Conference notes with concern growing levels of homophobia – particularly against young people – and the refusal of most schools and other education facilities to acknowledge that discrimination and inequality is an issue. Figures indicate that 72% of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual adults reported a regular history of absenteeism at school due to homophobic harassment. […]


This Conference notes the recent successful campaigns around LGBT issues, notably the campaign in favour of the LGBT rule change and our successes over Civil Partnerships and Pension rights and believes we can apply the lessons from these successful campaigns to campaign more successfully in the future. Conference believes that we still confront many challenges […]

Public Bodies

Conference is delighted that changes to legislation in April 2005 will impose a new disability equality duty on public bodies and some private companies. We believe these new duties could reconstruct a barrier-free society and provide equality of opportunity for the millions of disabled people who are in work, want to work, and those who […]

Commission for Equality and Human Rights

Conference welcomes the progress made on the introduction of a single Commission for Equality and Human Rights(CEHR). However Conference is very concerned that there are still no plans to introduce legislation relating to the CEHR’s powers, constitution, terms of reference and details of the various strands and their link to each other. Conference is also […]

Disability Equality Duty

Conference warmly welcomes the new disability equality duty that is due to come into force in December 2006, we believe this will provide UNISON with a great new organising tool as well as the opportunity to challenge disability discrimination at work and within public services. It is a strengthened version of the race duty – […]

Recognition of British Sign Language

Conference is outraged that teaching establishments across the United Kingdom are threatening the recognition of British Sign Language (BSL) and the future of deaf people. We call upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee to work with the National Executive Council to continue to campaign for BSL to be recognised in reality by: 1)challenging proposals to […]

Prescription Charges and Exemptions

Conference congratulates the Welsh Assembly in agreeing to eliminate the charges that the people of Wales pay for prescription charges. Already reduced to £4 per prescription item, and in the lifetime of the current Welsh Assembly there is commitment to having free prescriptions in Wales by the end of 2006. Conference notes that there are […]

Participation in Campaigning Activities

Conference recognises the right of every member to take part in the union’s campaigning activities, including attendance at marches and rallies. It is therefore important that, as with all other areas of the union’s work, steps are taken to ensure such events are fully accessible to disabled members. We therefore call upon the National Disabled […]

False Allegations of Sexual Harassment

Amendment to Motion 30 (Carried and incorporated into M 30) Add after fifth paragraph “That a member who is accused of a serious sexual allegation of a service user or member of staff can lead to the arrest or even charge of the member. The result of a false allegation can lead to the arrest […]

Personal and/or Nursing Care

Conference believes that the distinction between nursing and personal care should be ended. It is completely unacceptable to charge old and/or disabled people for essential and needed personal care. Good quality personal and nursing care should be provided on the basis of need, free and without means-testing. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to […]

Campaign Against Government Increases for Life Long Learning Charge

Conference notes the increases in charges to attend classes for Lifelong Learning being proposed by the government. This will affect people on low pay and fixed incomes, especially pensioners. Any reduction in class attendance will result in class closures to the detriment of the students who attend for both academic, cultural and social stimulus. There […]

Elder Abuse

A House of Commons healthcare committee recently reported on the alarming prevalence of elder abuse. The report found that as many as half a million elderly people may be being abused. Elder abuse may take the form of sexual, physical and financial abuse, neglect and over-medication. Despite the extent of this problem, many people are […]