Defending Services For Young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People

This Conference is appalled by the rising number of services for young people which are either closing or being cut back at a time when they are needed more than ever to support young people in finding employment and to support them in their personal development. This Conference believes that young people are being targeted […]

Police Cuts Will Undermine The Fight Against Hate Crime

YouGov research has shown that one in five lesbian, gay and bisexual people have experienced a homophobic hate crime or incident in the last three years. And three in four of those didn’t report them to the police. A third of victims don’t report incidents because they don’t think the police would or could do […]

Joined Up Equalities Information

UNISON has an excellent record in supporting Self Organised Groups (SOGs). This can not only be a good way of encouraging people from under-represented groups from joining and becoming active in the union. One of the many ways that UNISON reaches out to publicise the benefits in our union is to attend festivals such as […]

Tackling Trans Workers’ Unemployment

Conference is dismayed at the continuing difficulty faced by many trans people in finding and keeping paid employment. Conference notes that while it is not easy to challenge discrimination while you are in a job, it is even more difficult to challenge discrimination in recruitment. High levels of unemployment amongst trans people are rising higher […]

Encouraging Bi Equality Training in Workplaces

As biphobia is still rife in most workplaces, Conference calls on the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Committee, in liaison with the Bisexual Members’ Caucus, to develop UNISON’s materials on tackling biphobia, promoting bi equality and the need for bi awareness training in workplaces. Conference further calls on branch and regional LGBT groups […]

Still Fighting For Equality

Conference welcomes the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 under the Labour government but notes with heavy heart that the specific public sector equality duties were delayed and reviewed by the conservative-led coalition government. Conference notes that there is unlikely to be any further legislative gains under this government. Conference notes that – for now […]


Conference welcomes the fact that the UK is now at the top of ILGA Europe’s league table for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) equality. Conference notes that the United Kingdom gets credit for Scotland being the only European jurisdiction with trans-inclusive hate crime law. These achievements highlight the importance of UNISON’s continual active participation […]

Increased Age Of Single Person’s Housing Allowance

This Conference believes that the current housing benefit regulations already put young people at a disadvantage. Single Housing Benefit claimants living in the rented sector who are aged under 25 are classed in secondary legislation as “young individuals” for Housing Benefit purposes. When calculating the amount of Housing Benefit payable they are restricted to the […]

Negotiating In The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voluntary Sector

Conference celebrates the long standing and well documented history of working with, as well as accessing the services of, the voluntary sector that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community has. Organisations such as Broken Rainbow which started in 2002 and the George House Trust which is now in its 26th year offer vital […]

Local Government Cuts

Conference, over the last two years we have seen an unprecedented attack on public services, jobs, pay and conditions. We must remember that local government staff and service users are not the cause, greed within the banking industry is, but the Public Sector are having to pay for their greed. We have seen the biggest […]

Workforce Monitoring – Moving Forward

Conference believes that, in the light of the Equality Act 2010, many employers are now confused about their legal duties and ignorant about good practice on workforce monitoring in respect of sexual orientation and gender identity. Conference further believes that we can use this confusion as a bargaining opportunity to push our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual […]

Building Campaign Alliances Against Privatisation, Fragmentation and Cuts in the NHS

This Conference confirms UNISON’s total opposition to the ConDem Coalition’s White Paper – “Liberating the NHS”. If implemented, this would lead to the destruction of the NHS as we know it. The coalition government has no democratic mandate for its attacks on the NHS. It was not in any election manifesto and there has never […]


Conference believes that the policies of the Coalition government pose the greatest threat to living standards of health workers of any time in the 63 years of the NHS. Whereas the Labour government recognised the value of national NHS pay, terms and conditions based upon equal value and fairness, the Coalition government is pursuing policies […]

Representing and Organising Health Members in the Private and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes with concern the growing number of NHS staff and UNISON members transferring to the private and voluntary sector under the Transforming Community Services programme, other NHS re-organisations, and the government’s agenda to shift to “any willing provider” for patient services. Lines of accountability will become increasingly blurred which will negatively impact on staff, […]

Hutton Report on NHS Pensions – Pay More, Work Longer, Get Less

Conference notes the withdrawal of motion 29 on pensions which means that there is nothing on Conference agenda to allow debate on crucial matters relating to NHS pensions. This motion highlights concerns around a number of the proposals in the Independent Public Service Pensions Commissions final report (the Hutton report) published on 10 March 2011. […]