Jamaica Violence

This Conference notes: The senseless execution of Steve Harvey, a gay man who ran Jamaica AIDS Support for Life, an HIV/AIDS organisation on the island. He was abducted and shot dead on 30 November 2005. Conference further notes that over the last 18 months, that the murders of gay men in Jamaica are receiving more […]

Union/Life Balance

Conference welcomes the work carried out by the National Women’s Committee in promoting the need for a work/life balance and flexible working. Conference also believes that there is also a need for a union/life balance and notes with concern that at last year’s National Women’s Conference the black caucus was held at 6.00 p.m., one […]

S.O.15 Points of Order

Delete 15.3 and replace with: “The Point of Order shall not be debated or amended, and the Chairperson shall make an immediate ruling under S.O.6.1.”

S.O.14 Limit of Speeches

Delete 14.1 and replace with: “The mover of a motion or an amendment shall speak for no more than five minutes, and each subsequent speaker shall speak for no more than three minutes.”

Increasing the Number of Motions Submitted to National Delegate Conference by Self-Organised Groups

Conference notes that at present the Self-Organised Groups (SOGs),as well as regions, the Young Members’ Forum and retired members, are only permitted to submit a total of two motions, including any rule amendments, to National Delegate Conference. Furthermore, a proposal to increase this to four motions was defeated at National Delegate Conference 2005. Conference believes […]

Chemicals and Breast Cancer Prevention

Conference congratulates the National Women’s Committee for its joint campaign with the Women’s Environmental Network for breast cancer month last year called the big see. The campaign raised awareness amongst many of our women members about the links between some toxic chemicals in everyday use and the rising incidence of breast cancer. Many hundreds of […]

Women and Sport

Conference notes the success of Euro 2005, the EUFA (European Football Associations) women’s tournament played in England last summer. Conference applauds the BBC for its comprehensive coverage of the event, with both live matches and highlights on every evening games were played. This brought the women’s game to a much wider audience and at the […]

Access to IVF

Conference notes that the government recently carried out a comprehensive public consultation on the Human Fertility and Embryology Act. Matters subject to the review included: 1) access to IVF – at the time of launch of the consultation the government reiterated its view that it considered that it is in the best interests of a […]

Women and Alcohol

Conference notes research that tells us that more and more women are binge drinking and that alcoholism is on the increase. Alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of a woman developing heart disease, various cancers, including breast cancer and other chronic health conditions. Conference requests that the National Women’s Committee develop information to raise awareness of […]

Maternity Support Leave

Conference welcomes the provision for statutory paternity leave but notes with concern the low level of take-up. Conference considers this is explained by: 1)the level of statutory paternity pay, currently a maximum of £106 per week; 2)limited eligibility, restricted to the baby’s father or the partner of a woman on maternity leave, and 3)the confusing […]

Defend a Woman’s Right to Choose

Conference agrees that access to birth control and abortion is crucial for women’s equality. The 2005 general election campaign saw unprecedented attacks on a woman’s right to choose, and the anti-choice lobby is adopting increasingly aggressive tactics to seek to restrict abortion rights. In particular, the sensationalist focus on later abortion is designed to confuse […]

Breast Awareness

Conference notes with pride the work which has been undertaken by UNISON’s women’s organisation in campaigning on the issue of breast cancer awareness, access to services and the causes and prevention of breast cancer. Conferences agrees that it is essential for world class breast cancer services, provided by the National Health Service, to be available […]

Minimum Subsistence and Facilities for Women

Conference is concerned to note reports that some delegates to National Women’s Conference are paid subsistence rates lower than those for their branch delegates attending National Delegate Conference. It is clear that not all branches have a consistent policy for subsistence for their members which can lead to discriminatory policies in respect of subsistence rates […]

Women Migrant Workers: Their rights and our Responsibilities

Conference welcomes the work that UNISON has done in respect of representing and organising overseas workers in the public sector. However, this motion is to raise through the National Women’s Conference the issues facing women migrant workers who are encouraged to come to the United Kingdom (UK) to work, either by choice or those who […]

Pension Holidays

Conference recognises that pension holidays taken by employers and without consultation have caused a deficiency in public service pension funds. Many women rely on their private pensions to top up the state pension, as many will not qualify for the full state pension, putting many women below the poverty line in retirement. Conference believes that […]