Equalities Commissions

Conference notes that the Government has set up a project to consider the feasibility of a single equality body, which is doe to publish a report for consultation towards the end of 2002. The starting point of the project is that the status quo cannot continue, as provision must be made for machinery to deliver […]


This Conference supports wholeheartedly Composite E which was carried at the 2002 UNISON National Delegate Conference. This Conference notes that we all rely on the pension earned during employment to provide a reasonable standard of living in retirement and financial protection for our families and partners in the event of death or ill health. This […]

Right to Care Campaign

In November 2001, UNISON, with a number of other organisations, launched the Right to Care Campaign. The aims of the Campaign are as follows: 1)That the Government must introduce personal and nursing care that is free at the point of use and funded from general taxation; 2)That this care should be the entitlement of everyone, […]

Improvements in Communications

This Conference believes that existing means of communications between UNISON at a national level and branch retired members’ groups are practically non-existent. Conference strongly urges the National Retired Members’ Committee to take urgent remedial action to improve this situation. In particular, Conference requests that some form of regular publications such as the National Retired Members’ […]

Proposed Changes in Benefit Payment System 2003

During 2003, no exact date at present, the Benefits Agency is proposing to cease the payment of all state benefits, including benefits to pensioners, via the present weekly order book system. Instead, they intend to make payments to clients on a four week basis, direct into a bank account, thus removing yet another freedom of […]

Care Home Closures

This Conference condemns the fact that 700 long term care homes in England and Wales were closed during 2001 due to repeated loss of government funding. This Conference requests the National Executive Council, Affiliated Political Fund and other appropriate organisations to use their good offices with the current government to seek to reverse this trend […]


This Conference recognises the legal requirements of sex discrimination and race discrimination. It also recognises that age discrimination is used but is not illegal. This Conference demands that age discrimination is made illegal and instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to make all representations through the National Executive Council, Affiliated Political Fund and other appropriate […]

Care Homes

This Conference calls upon the National Executive Council, Service Groups and Affiliated Political Fund to make representations to the Government to keep open local authority residential homes by any means possible, as care in the community is often inadequate for the needs of the recipients. This Conference deplores the fact that many people in residential […]

Stop the War

Conference opposes the British and US Governments unleashing an unending worldwide war against terrorism. We call upon Britain and the USA, and its allies, to cease all military actions and to withdraw from Afghanistan. Furthermore, we will vigorously oppose any continuation of this war to Iraq, Somalia, or elsewhere. We condemn the terrorist attacks on […]

Dignity and Respect at Work

This Conference welcomes the establishment of core objectives and associated priorities and as a much needed development. It has enabled our lay structures at national and regional level in partnership with staff to focus upon those key issues determined by our sovereign bodies. Conference also welcomes the initial work undertaken to apply both lay and […]

Housing Privatisation

Conference notes that the campaign against the privatisation of council housing is continuing and gathering strength. It congratulates UNISON members and tenants in Dudley and on the Aylesbury estate in Southwark for their successful campaigns for a ‘no’ vote in the tenant ballots. Conference further notes the outstanding success of the national, West Midlands Region […]

Age Discrimination and Citizenship

This Conference whilst recognising that age discrimination can affect people of all ages deplores the blatant age discrimination that young people face in today’s society. Discrimination against young people exists in legislation and other rules and regulations, including those relating to: 1)National Minimum Wage 2)Eligibility to vote 3)Job Seekers’ Allowance 4)Housing and Council Tax benefits […]

Combatting Racism in Local Communities

This Conference believes that the civil disturbances that took place in a number of towns in the summer of 2001 are a result of the economic and political exclusion of the working class communities in those areas. The exclusion has been exacerbated by structural unemployment that has resulted form the demise off manufacturing, social deprivation […]

Public Services

The future health of our public services is at a critical point, with a government committed to improving them after years of under investment, but increasingly choosing the private sector, not existing staff, as the solution to problems. Conference deplores the fact that the Government has responded to the need for better services by creating […]

Discrimination in Pension Schemes

This Conference welcomes the support of employers’ bodies for amendments to the Local Government Pension Scheme to the purpose of removing/amending those regulations which discriminate against non-married partners including same sex. Conference notes this matter now lies with the Government and that they have failed to progress the necessary changes to date as they are […]