- Conference
- 2002 National Delegate Conference
- Date
- 25 February 2002
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
This Conference whilst recognising that age discrimination can affect people of all ages deplores the blatant age discrimination that young people face in today’s society.
Discrimination against young people exists in legislation and other rules and regulations, including those relating to:
1)National Minimum Wage
2)Eligibility to vote
3)Job Seekers’ Allowance
4)Housing and Council Tax benefits assessment.
This Conference further believes that age discrimination is not only patronising, but also serves to alienate young people from society. This can be clearly seen in the rapid and disturbing growth of young people’s disengagement from the electoral and political system.
This Conference therefore calls on the National Executive Council to work with the National Young Members’ Forum and the National Retired Members’ Committee to:
a)Use UNISON’s influence with the Government to challenge discrimination against young people in legislation and other rules and regulations, especially on voting age, including campaigning for the lowering of the voting age to 16;
b)Produce a response to the Government consultation on the new EU Employment Directive which outlaws discrimination on the grounds of age by 2006 that calls for the use of non age specific terms in employment practices and a concentration on the requirements of the post and the suitability of the individual, and for UNISON to undertake a campaign around this issue, working with branches and regions;
c)Ask UNISON negotiators to urge all public sector employers to disregard the under 21 rate for the minimum wage and pay all low paid workers the adult rate;
d)Work with other partners in the labour movement such as the TUC, to progress this agenda.