Care Homes

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2002 Retired Members' Conference
17 June 2002
Carried as Amended

This Conference calls upon the National Executive Council, Service Groups and Affiliated Political Fund to make representations to the Government to keep open local authority residential homes by any means possible, as care in the community is often inadequate for the needs of the recipients.

This Conference deplores the fact that many people in residential care are often deprived of the statutory minimum allowance of £16.05 per week for newspapers, toiletries, clothes and so on and requests the National Retired Members’ Committee and the National Executive Council to campaign to ensure that no one in residential care receives less than £25 per week.

Bed blocking could be alleviated by publicly owned nursing homes being provided.

Conference welcomes the announcement by Alan Milburn in July of this year that some pensioners will be given money to pay for their care at home which should alleviate bed blocking in the National Health Service.

This measure will only be successful if sufficient funding is made available to ensure high quality care. Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to take up this matter with the Government.