Unpaid Carers

In the UK there are some six million unpaid carers who provide support for most of the elderly and vulnerable members of society, a saving for the State of £87 million per year. Conference therefore instructs the National Retired Committee and calls on the National Executive Council to liaise with the National Pensioners’ Convention, Trades […]

Right to Private life

As private citizens, our Police Staff members have a right to privacy, that right is fast being eroded by intrusive policies within the Police Service. Police Staff employees deserve the right to a private life and no legislation exists as it does for Police Officers which places restrictions on their private life. It is accepted […]

National Pensioners’ Convention

The National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) is Britain’s biggest independent campaigning organisation of older people, representing 1000 local, regional and national pensioner groups with a total of 1.5 million members. The NPC’s main objective is to promote the welfare and interests of pensioners, both now and in the future, as a way of securing dignity, respect […]

Trades Union Congress

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has 58 affiliated trade unions with over 7 million members and states its aims as campaigning for a fair deal at work and social justice. However, Conference believes that retired members of the affiliated trade unions are not as involved in the TUC’s campaign for social justice as they could […]

Improvements to the State Pension

Conference is concerned at the ever-increasing discrepancy between the basic state pension and the poverty threshold. In 2009 the NPC’s figures state that the poverty threshold is £165 pw whilst the basic state pension is £97.25 pw, a discrepancy of £65.75 pw. Much of the blame for this can be laid at the door of […]

Depression in Older People

Conference is concerned that depression in older people goes undiagnosed and that hundreds of thousands of older people may be denied treatment because depression is wrongly seen as a natural part of getting older. Conference, therefore instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to liaise with the National Executive Council and UNISON’s UK publicity outlets to […]

Hospitals and Wards, Treatment and Support Services

Many hospitals and wards, treatment and support services are being closed or threatened with closure up and down the country. Before hospital closures and mergers started most hospitals were serviced by a good bus service, but now many elderly patients have to travel on two or three buses in order to reach their alternative establishments. […]


This conference is aware that Apprenticeship schemes are limited and would like to encourage Young Black Workers to have better access to information on apprenticeship schemes. Conference is concerned about the low numbers of young Black workers that have successfully completed Apprenticeship schemes. Conference therefore calls upon the National Black Members’ Committee to work with […]


After the disastrous results which saw the BNP pick up two European parliament seats, there is not doubt that the feeling of the British public has been widely expressed throughout the political process during the Council and European elections. They have delivered damning verdict the Labour government’s proposals to impose a National Identification card to […]