National Pensioners’ Convention

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2010 Retired Members' Conference
15 June 2010
Carried as Amended

The National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) is Britain’s biggest independent campaigning organisation of older people, representing 1000 local, regional and national pensioner groups with a total of 1.5 million members. The NPC’s main objective is to promote the welfare and interests of pensioners, both now and in the future, as a way of securing dignity, respect and financial security for all in retirement.

Conference will be aware that many UNISON retired members are active in the campaigning activities of the NPC in their local areas. This is advantageous to UNISON as it enables us to convey our message to a wider audience and to build links with potential allies. A vivid example of this has been our success in promoting UNISON’s Million Voices Campaign to pensioners and their wider families as illustrated by 10th April march and rally in defence of public services which brought together pensioner groups, students, carers, disabled campaigners, community activists, health professionals and over 20 trade unions.

Conference will be further aware that the NPC operates on very limited resources and is mainly dependent on the fees it receives from national affiliates such as UNISON. However further funds are necessary for the NPC not only to survive but to raise its profile and increase its efficiency in campaigning on behalf of older people. Conference notes that one such initiative is the introduction of a supporter’s card which enables individual members of affiliated groups to identify themselves as also being part of the NPC and at a price of £1 brings in much needed funding.

Conference believes that the NPC is an important campaigning partner and therefore requests that the National Retired Members’ Committee:-

i.encourage branches to affiliate to the NPC;

ii.promote amongst all members the NPC Supporter’s Card.