Young Lesbians and Gay Men – The Need for a National Strategy

Conference notes that young lesbians and gay men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They are also more likely to succeed, so they account for over half of actual youth suicide in the UK. Conference therefore welcomes the repeal of Section 28 as the single most effective step to […]

The Management of Health and Safety Regulations to Include Stress

We call upon Conference to adopt this motion to press for the inclusion of the recognition of stress to be included in regulation 3(1)(a) of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The main problems are that under the current legislation there are no laws that recognise work-related stress as an illness. […]

Employment Rights in the UK

Conference welcomes the government’s employment rights bill 2003 but believes that it does not go far enough, leaving workers in Britain with less protection than those employed in the rest of Europe. We welcome those provisions that build on the Employment Rights Act of 1999, improving the process of recognition and establishing important and consultation […]

Staffing Levels

Conference deplores the cost cutting measures used throughout the police service that major on reducing staff numbers to what is less than a safe minimum. Conference is concerned at the effect this has on an already dissatisfied public resulting in our members, and in turn their families, being placed under extreme stress. Conference notes the […]

Access to Training and Development

The Police Staff membership has a long history of under investment by Police Management. Workplace learning and training opportunities to Police Staff has never been seen as a priority. It is often viewed as unnecessary by some employers or treated in a slipshod and half-hearted manner by others, who undervalue Police Staff and their role […]

Removal of Unnecessary Police Management

Conference notes with pride the unity that forming our Service Group has brought to the family that makes up Police Staff. We note the strength that unity brings to us and we are aware that we are now able to influence the way we work, our employers and our law makers. Unity brings strength and, […]

Fair Play For Front Line Workers

Conference notes with concern: 1)the number of our low paid members in front line public service jobs who have their employment terminated on the grounds of incapacity; 2)that conditions affecting those members, such as vibration white finger, cervical spondylitis, carpel tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow are invariably caused by the nature of the job involving […]

Elderly Persons’ Homes

Conference notes with concern the increasing number of local authority elderly person’s homes which have transferred with the transfer to private companies. Conference believes that a well-funded and accountable local authority provision of this service is essential to the establishment and maintenance of high standards across all providers of this service. Conference also notes that […]

Unexplained Infant Death

Conference acknowledges the gross injustice that has persecuted, separated from their children, and imprisoned women largely on the evidence of an eminent professor. Professor Roy Meadows’ theories on unexplained infant death have been discredited by both the medical profession and the courts. Some women who received custodial sentences have now been released and others are […]

Angela Cannings

Conference congratulates Angela Cannings on winning her appeal in November 2003 against her wrongful conviction for murder for the tragic deaths of her children from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Conference applauds the appeal court judges for accepting the new medical evidence presented which clearly demonstrated a genetic link in cases of multiple SIDS, and […]

Standing Order 2 Standing Orders Committee

Insert new 2.2: “No delegate shall serve on Standing Orders Committee for more than three consecutive years.” Re-number following points.

Civil Registered Partnerships

Conference welcomes the Government’s proposals on legal recognition of same sex partnerships through the introduction of a civil registration scheme. Conference believes that formal recognition of same sex relationships will help combat discrimination against lesbians. Conference is concerned, however, that while the proposals bring some advantages, they also introduce or highlight some problems. The proposed […]

The Hidden Homeless

Research shows that there are an increasing number of homeless women, who both live on the streets and more often on the floors of friends, or in other insecure housing as the hidden homeless rather than use the apparently male- dominated housing agencies. Many of these women are escaping domestic violence or breakdowns in relationships. […]

Nestle and the Co-op

Conference applauds the Co-perative movement for its activities in promoting fair trade within its stores and advertising campaigns, and for the Co-operative bank’s policies on ethical investments. However, Conference notes with concern that in spite of the strong campaign by Baby Milk Action, the Co-op continues to market Nestle products in their stores and even […]

Challenging Stereotypes on International and Transethnic Adoption

Recognising that international adoption is a particularly sensitive women issue: 1)Birth mothers do not necessarily want to give up their children but for some social, cultural or economic reasons, they might find themselves pushed to do so. 2)Infertility and adoptive mothers: acknowledging that infertility could be a man and/or a woman issue. In either case, […]