Unexplained Infant Death

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2004 National Women's Conference
28 January 2004

Conference acknowledges the gross injustice that has persecuted, separated from their children, and imprisoned women largely on the evidence of an eminent professor.

Professor Roy Meadows’ theories on unexplained infant death have been discredited by both the medical profession and the courts.

Some women who received custodial sentences have now been released and others are waiting for their appeals to be heard.

But, many more women, possibly thousands, whilst not convicted by the criminal courts have been convicted by the family courts by having their surviving children taken into care and in some cases, adopted against their will.

Conference acknowledges the likelihood that this outrage affects some UNISON women members and calls upon the National Women’s Committee to:

1) urge the National Executive Council to survey women members to find out how many are affected and identify their needs;

2)urge the National Executive Council to press government for a full enquiry;

3)make known to affected women members the availability of assistance, including legal services and counselling.