Elections 2007 and Beyond

In 2007 elections will take place for the Scottish Parliament, Scottish local authorities, the Welsh Assembly, Welsh local authorities and many local authorities in England. Conference notes that these bodies are responsible for spending billions of pounds on public services and employing either directly or indirectly the majority of UNISON members in those areas. Conference […]

Affordable Child Care Delivered by Properly Trained and Fairly Paid Childcare Workers

Conference commends UNISON’s commitment to campaigning for high quality, affordable childcare by properly trained and fairly paid child care workers. It also requires that childcare facilities should be suitably located in the vicinity of places of work. The campaigning must also bear in mind the needs of lone parents, parents in deprived areas and parents […]

Protecting and Organising Migrant Workers

Conference notes the growing importance of migrant workers to the United Kingdom (UK) economy. Employers are increasingly dependent on migrant labour to fill professional and skilled vacancies due to a shortage of UK candidates with the required experience or skills. Without these workers, a number of sectors would suffer, particularly health and childcare. Conference therefore […]

Rule D.4 Self-Organised Groups

Rule D.4.5.2, after “Regional Council” delete “or” and replace with “and” Rule D.6.4, after “shall be entitled to” insert “form a Regional Retired Members’ Forum and” Add new Rule D.6.5: “6.5The Retired Members’ Forum may formulate proposals, motions or other proposals to the appropriate Regional Council and Regional Committee. Such proposals or motions may be […]


Conference: 1)recognises that the campaign for decent pensions must be central to our union’s campaigning over the coming year; 2)calls on the government to accept that the country’s pensioners have already waited too long to receive a less unfair share of the country’s increased prosperity; 3)welcomes the increasing support for the view that there should […]

Private Sector Transfers and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act

More public services are being transferred out of the public sector and as a result members are now finding themselves based in the private sector where the lack of statutory duty under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 with private sector employers results in less protection against race discrimination in the workplace. Conference notes the […]

Local Government Restructuring

Conference understands that a White Paper on local government restructuring will be published in the autumn 2006 for legislation to be implemented by 2008. Conference believes that services in districts and counties in those areas affected will be subject to major disruption with severe cost implications and consequential impact on staff. Public statements so far […]

Increase in Fuel Price – Negotiations

Conference calls upon the National Local Government Service Group Executive and the Scottish Local Government Committee to: 1)Re-negotiate the National Joint Council and the Scottish Joint Council rates on travelling in line with the increase in fuel prices; 2)Lobby for the Inland Revenue rate to be re-negotiated in line with the rise in fuel costs; […]

Citizenship Rights

Conference deplores the fact that children born in this country can be denied citizenship rights depending upon the nationality of their parents. Conference notes that this disgraceful discrimination on grounds of nationality disporportionately disadvantages black and minority ethnic people and that an increasing number of young people have, for example, difficulty in obtaining passports to […]

Schedule B: Members’ Benefits

Schedule B 2.1.1 delete “d)” and “e)” Delete “Schedule B 2.9” and “Schedule B 2.10” and renumber accordingly.

The Disability Equality Duty and Public Services

Conference welcomes the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 which will impose a new disability equality duty on public bodies and some private companies from December 2006. We believe this Duty could help reconstruct a barrier free society and provide equality of opportunity for the millions of disabled people who are in work, wanting work and those […]

UNISON in Housing Associations

Conference recognises UNISON’s strong and consistent support for council stock. 2005 National Delegate Conference motion 51 builds on previous policy and continues the thread of Local Government Motion 37 (2004) and National Conference Composite D (2004) entitled “Housing”. Conference recalls the yearly Housing Seminar held nationally for UNISON activists and members. A key aim of […]

Developing Further Education College Organisation

This Conference notes that further education colleges face significant challenges in securing implementation of national pay and conditions agreements. These have recommendation status only and at least one third of colleges ignore them. This problem is compounded by the unstable and variable funding environment and the business ethos of colleges which are corporations. Over the […]

Nursery Nurse Pay

This Service Group Conference:- 1)Condemns the continuing failure of the employers to address the issue of Nursery Nurse pay on a national basis in England and Wales 2)welcomes the pay increases that nursery nurses achieved across Scotland and the Scottish Executive’s national review of the Early Years and childcare workforce due to be released for […]

ALMOs and Housing Stock Transfers

Conference notes the problems associated with Housing Stock transfers. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)Produce a report identifying the “star ratings” for all Housing authorities and ALMO’s. This report should highlight any changes in the star ratings since the establishment of any individual ALMO. This report should be completed in time for Local […]