UNISON wins Living Wage at Central Scotland Police

Low-paid staff welcome rise

UNISON says slight drop in unemployed figure is ‘an illusion’

We will not experience a real recovery until the government boosts jobs and wages warns UNISON

Empty North West shops reveal continuing recession

One in five shops in the North West are now empty, says UNISON, calling on government to act

European advocate general sets legal precedent

Decision that privatised workers should retain ongoing parity of pay and conditions backs UNISON’s claims

Survey reveals levels of stress among local government workers

Government must take action warns UNISON, as 87% say they’re struggling to cope

‘Together in solidarity, nothing will stand in our way’

Dave Prentis urges delegates at UNISON women’s conference to continue the fight

A better start for young people survey

Under 27? Take two minutes to fill out our survey

‘I am scared, more and more scared’

Fear of impact of new universal credit on UNISON members and their families

Delegates condemn ‘male chauvinist, capitalist government’

UNISON women’s conference gives verdict on the coalition

Conference highlights ConDems’ ‘problem with women’

UNISON women’s conference speaks out against impact of austerity

Conference hears call to arms on recruitment

Women told they will be crucial to success of major campaign

Have a heart for public services

UNISON activists launch Valentine’s Day blitz across the UK

Bring on buddying

UNISON women’s conference urges activists to buddy up

Home care system in crisis, warns UNISON

Councils cannot wash their hands of their responsibilities, stresses the union

UNISON welcomes reintroduction of meat inspection in cutting plants

Consumer confidence in meat products is very low after the horsemeat scandal, says UNISON