Branch resources review makes progress

The review group, made up of 24 senior UNISON members, met for the third time on 6 February

The review group, made up of 24 senior UNISON members, met for the third time on 6 February. Work is well underway.

  • The meeting received  presentation on the data sources (Organising Framework, OLBA & RMS) now available for branch analysis. Some interesting insights will be available going forward.
  • It also received a short presentation on the current components of the existing branch formula as a refresher.
  • The review group approved a draft survey for the views of branch secretaries on their day-to-day activities. This will be out shortly.
  • It agreed the principle of a regional organising fund for further investigation.
  • The work stream on national functions is about to receive reports on IT and conference spend.
  • Two sets of principles (on governance and decision making) were agreed for designing a future formula.
  • Preparations are being made for fringe meetings at national delegate conference to discuss the review.
  • A two-page summary note of review activity since last September will be shortly available for regional meetings.

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Previous report: 3 January 2020