A leaflet for members explaining what the Local Government Association’s latest pay proposal will mean to them is now available.
UNISON suspended the strike planned for 14 October to consult the membership over this new proposal.
The UNISON NJC committee’s view is that it falls far below the aspirations in the union’s 2014/15 pay claim and far below what members deserve.
However, the committee believes it is the best achievable outcome by negotiation – and that only sustained, all-out strike action could achieve an improved pay offer.
It is vital that all members on NJC pay vote in the consultation, including those not balloted for industrial action.
The LGA proposal covers the two-year period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2016. They include a ‘nonconsolidated’ lump sum.
Full details for what the proposal means for individuals on all salary scale points are contained in the leaflet, which will be bulk despatched to branches by 30 October.
Branches needing extra supplies can order the leaflet, as stock number 3476, by emailing stockorders@unison.co.uk