UNISON works with individual unions and global union federations to defend public services and fight against austerity around the world. We also have a responsibility to defend human and trade union rights wherever they are under attack.
International Seminar
On Friday the 24th and Saturday the 25th of March the International Unit welcomed over 50 attending delegate BIROs to the UNISON Centre from across the UK for the long awaited International Seminar.
About the international unit
UNISON’s international policy includes contact with international organisations and sister unions abroad, sharing experiences, solidarity work and involving members to defend and promote public services and the people who provide them.
Making international policy
UNISON’s international policy is determined by national delegate conference and considers motions from branches, regions and the national executive council.
Ceasefire Now: A UNISON guide for activists campaigning for peace
1 October 2024
none -
Hope not Hate – Understanding Antisemitism and Islamophobia in the context of Israel and Palestine
8 February 2024
none -
Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill A Guide for UNISON Branches
17 November 2023
none -
Presentation on Business and Human Rights
25 April 2023
none -
Clean (dirty) energy
17 August 2022
noneA4 guide on Uyghur forced labour and solar supply chains. It is designed to help local government authorities (and other public bodies) make better purchasing decisions and streamline their solar supplier vetting process.
Available as a download pdf only. -
Talking about Palestinian rights
8 December 2021
noneThis briefing aims to provide activists with a better understanding of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, with a particular emphasis on human and workers’ rights and public services.
Available as a PDF download only. -
Developing an ethical procurement policy
7 June 2021
noneA guide for activists involved in planning Pride events, including a template ethical procurement policy and template letters to send to suppliers. Limited number of printed copies available so please order only as needed. Maximum 2 per branch.
Community HEART brochure
8 February 2021
noneCommunity HEART (CH) was a charity which was supported by UNISON members from its inception in 1995 through to its closure in 2021 The CH stall was seen at every UNISON National Conference. Denis Goldberg the founder of CH met many UNISON members during his visits to the UK. Denis established a new Foundation in South Africa prior to his death, called the Denis Goldberg House of Hope (HoH). You can read about the HoH in the Newsletter. Please share the newsletter with your branches.
Palestine: Is your pension fund investing in the occupation?
18 January 2021
nonePalestine: Is your pension fund investing in the occupation?
Using your pension to support Palestinian human rights.
A practical guide.
Available as a download pdf only. -
Public Procurement during COVID-19
26 November 2020
none -
Pride In Procurement
16 November 2020
noneAn activist guide to sourcing Pride merchandise
UK CS Parliamentarian Briefing Oct 2020 FINAL DRAFT
20 October 2020
noneTransnational Corporations have too much power and there are no international binding rules to prevent their abuse of people and the planet. This Parliamentary Briefing calls upon Parliamentarians to publicly support the need for a United Nations Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights and asks that they urge the Government to constructively take part in next week’s negotiations on the second draft text
Human Rights to Water and Sanitation Advocacy Toolkit
15 October 2020
noneA resource for human rights activists and trade unionists around the world, working against privatisation and for the human rights to safe water and sanitation.
Towards Ethical Public Service Goods Procurement
14 September 2020
noneThis Research report was conducted during 2019. It has been used to inform good practice for a long term tripartite training programme UNISON is developing on the ethical procurement of goods for the public sector. New research is being conducted to find out how COVID 19 has affected procurement standards and trends.
Tackling Modern Slavery through global supply chains Poster Exhibition June 2018
2 July 2019
noneThis photo exhibition accompanies the Unison Tackling Modern Slavery Booklet. It can be downloaded and printed for local activities. The original copies can also be loaned for events by contacting i.relations@unison.co.uk
Tackling modern slavery through global supply chains
2 July 2019
noneBooklet describing how UNISON is working to tackle modern day slavery
Workers’ and Human Rights in Turkey: Campaign Briefing
18 December 2018
none -
Workers’ and Human Rights in Turkey: Summary
18 December 2018
none -
Ethical Procurement in UK Local Authorities
18 June 2018
noneThis research report sets out how local authorities are failing to implement fair labour policies in their international procurement and what UNISON branches can do about it. Max order 5.
International Calendar 2018
12 February 2018
noneUNISON calendar of international events and ideas for branch activities 2018’
Letter to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani
12 January 2018
none -
Briefing on DFID support for low fee private schools
5 December 2017
noneBriefing on how UNISON is working with sister unions, campaigning groups and Public Services International to stop aid and development funds being used to subsidise multinational education corporations and their chains of fee charging private schools in Africa and Asia
International Newsletter Sept 2017
27 September 2017
none -
Responsible buying in public services – guidance for members
30 May 2017
noneThis guidance has been produced to help UNISON members to work with their employers on ethical procurement policies to ensure there are no abuses or workers making goods destined for use in public services.
A dangerous occupation. The impact of 50 years of occupation on Palestinian workers. A5 booklet
3 April 2017
noneFull colour booklet to accompany a photographic exhibition of 10 panels that can be downloaded at www.unison.org.uk/international
The booklet can be ordered as an informative stand alone guide to work and living conditions in occupied Palestinian territories -
A dangerous occupation. The impact of 50 years of occupation on Palestine workers. Poster exhibition.
3 April 2017
nonePhotographic exhibition of 12, A2 size panels that can be downloaded at www.unison.org.uk/international
Available as a download pdf only. -
International Calendar 2017
16 February 2017
none2017 calendar of globally-recognised international days and key days for UNISON. It gives some suggested activities and provides web links to organisations working on particular issues which UNISON supports
Unhealthy development – The UK Department for International Development and the promotion of healthcare privatisation.
6 July 2016
noneReport into the UK Department for International Development and the promotion of healthcare privatisation.
UNISON delegation to Palestine final report
5 July 2016
noneIn April 2016 UNISON took a delegation to Palestine and Israel to help develop its work. The delegation included members of the National Executive Council international committee and representatives of regions.
This report highlights some of the key issues that were raised by the organisations UNISON met with, and focuses on the occupation, workers rights and some of the projects UNISON supports. -
ACTSA – Swazi briefing – June 2016
5 July 2016
noneACTSA BRIEFING PAPER: Swaziland’s Downward Spiral. The International Community Must Act Now
International workers memorial day – poster
23 February 2016
noneInternational Workers Memorial Day poster – A4 poster.
Letter to President Erdogan RE DISK Turkey 3 Feb 16
11 February 2016
noneLetter to President Erdogan to express the deep concern over the continued violation of human and trade union rights in Turkey.
Briefing for activists on Qatar 2022 World Cup
8 May 2015
noneThis briefing sets out the plight of migrant workers in Qatar, and shows how UNISON activists can take action to help improve working conditions for migrant workers in the Gulf State
TTIP, CETA and TISA – what you need to know about EU trade agreements
2 March 2015
noneTTIP, CETA and TISA – what you need to know about EU trade agreements. A UNISON briefing
International Labour Migration – discussion document
4 June 2013
noneFor activists interested in UNISON international strategy on international labour migration
HIV AIDS flyer
4 June 2013
noneBriefing for anyone interested in UNISON’s policy supporting trade unions in southern Africa dealing with HIV AIDS as a workplace issue