Our Health Heroes awards – the night in pictures

Check out the pictures from the Our Health Heroes awards

Our Health Heroes

Last night the winners of the inaugural Our Health Heroes were announced at a glamorous event in London

Vote for your health hero

24 regional finalists named in search for unsung heroes of the NHS

NHS commissioners on course for some ‘unpalatable’ decisions

But UNISON warns that ‘there is little left to cut’

two hospital chefs

Do you know a health hero?

Our Health Heroes awards launched during One Team for Patient Care week of action

Belfast Trust to impose change from weekly to monthly pay on low-paid workers

Union condemns denial of right to negotiate

two hospital chefs

It’s almost time for our One Team parties

Get read for July’s celebration of the whole NHS team, including our new awards for health heroes

female cleaner in a hospital

Seven-day NHS needs resourcing across the whole healthcare team

Debate should not focus only on doctors and nurses say delegates at UNISON’s health conference in Brighton

‘The core of our NHS? Compassion’

Professor Michael West tells UNISON health conference that compassion and the one-team approach are key

Give operational staff access to training

Conference demands training for undervalued ancillary, admin and clerical workers

Pride in our union and the One Team that runs our NHS

General secretary, shadow health secretary and service group chair unite to sing praises of NHS and its workers

two hospital chefs

UNISON vows to stand up for members over ‘savings’ review

Union presents interim research into Carter Review recommendations on English NHS as health conference opens

two hospital chefs

MPs warned of short-termist threat to NHS support roles

NHS needs to operate as one team in the interests of joined-up, high-quality patient care

♡ UNISON: it stands up for the whole NHS team

Annette is a medical secretary in Scotland who loves that UNISON stands up for the whole NHS

two hospital chefs

UNISON takes One Team NHS campaign to Parliament

Union calls on MPs to sign up to Early Day Motion and back the campaign backing healthcare support workers in the NHS