The Happy Lands

‘Epic portrait’ of the General Strike coming to a cinema near you

‘Together in solidarity, nothing will stand in our way’

Dave Prentis urges delegates at UNISON women’s conference to continue the fight

New probes confront government and councils with true costs of cuts

Massive budget cuts are destroying services, says UNISON, as it delivers blueprint to improve trading standards services

UNISON responds to Institute for Fiscal Studies’ green budget

Budget predictions of 1.2m public service job losses is deeply worrying, says Dave Prentis

Home baking business boom putting public health at risk

Cuts to environmental health budgets and staff make a challenging job only harder

Public sector finances – UNISON response

‘All pain and no gain,’ says Dave Prentis on the news that the UK deficit has increased

More pain for families as cost of living soars

Inflation still remains well above the government’s 2% target, says UNISON, and highlights difficulties for families

A future for families

TUC rally as part of ETUC day of action against austerity

Use autumn statement to ditch austerity, UNISON tells chancellor

Billions of pounds have been identified that could be used to provide an alternative, says union

Borrowing figures shows austerity economics are not working

It is all pain, no gain, says UNISON, as new figures reveal that public sector borrowing is increasing

‘We in UNISON stand alongside all those who oppose austerity’

UNISON sends message of solidarity to protesters in Europe

The Human cost of austerity

Times are tougher than ever

Global poll gives thumbs down to austerity

Public says that bankers have too much power over government policy

IMF austerity warning – UNISON response

Cuts are all pain, no gain, says UNISON

Powerful new alliance against austerity

Austerity experiment has failed