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Wes Streeting: The man who can

The shadow health and social care secretary has one of the most daunting tasks should Labour gain power in Westminster. Who is he, and how will he fix such huge issues?

bigger picture, Uncategorized on the Magazine site.

Dreams can come true

Five people deeply connected to the care sector explain what it’s like now – and what a national care service would mean for them

Behind the headlines, Magazine, Uncategorized on the Magazine site.

Care sector couldn’t function without its migrant workforce, says UNISON

A national care service and a fair pay agreement for care staff are needed to reform the care service

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

MPs pledge to support a national care service

A UNISON event at parliament sought to ignite the political will in Westminster to make a national care service a reality

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Making a national care service – from roadmap to reality

UNISON hosted the Fabian Society’s National Care Service Summit, bringing together stakeholders to discuss the practicalities of creating a national care service

Article on the UNISON National site.

Migrant family ban makes no sense without proper reform of social care, says UNISON

The ban means overseas care staff will be much less likely to come to work in the UK. But migrant workers are still very much needed

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

NEC hears of shocking conditions imposed on migrant care workers

The meeting also agreed a statement condemning the resumption of violence in Gaza and calling for an immediate ceasefire

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Blog: The final hammer blow to our crumbling social care system

Curbing the migrant care workforce will cause utter disaster

General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.

Blog: The shocking treatment of migrant workers harms us all

The government should stop demonising migrants, instigate reform and create a national care service

Article, General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.

Setting Kasibba free

The team leader of the Social Work Team of the Year testifies to the impact an integrated approach can have in the care system

Behind the headlines, Magazine, UNISON people on the Magazine site.

Care dominates debate at national delegate conference

What’s happening with adult social care in England and the devolved nations, provided a comprehensive debate on day two of national delegate conference

Article on the UNISON National site.

Support Guaranteed: The roadmap to a national care service

A new report from the Fabian Society was launched at Westminster last week

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Roadmap launched for a national care service to transform lives, says UNISON 

A national care service would boost wages, put quality above profit-making and ensure everyone receives the support they need.

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Care workers in Wales win 15% increase and Foundation Living Wage

After four months of collective action, support workers received £780 back pay alongside the pay increase

News on the UNISON National site.

Blog: A broken system – in our economy and in social care

Let’s show solidarity with members at St Monica Trust care homes, who are taking strike action as their employer tries to fire and rehire them

General Secretary, General Secretary's blog, News on the UNISON National site.