Privatisation and the Two Tier Workforce

Conference supports UNISON’s committment to well funded publicly owned, publicly controlled and democratically accountable public services and notes our opposition to privatisation (Positively Public Campaign). Conference notes UNISON’s ongoing campaign to put an end to the two tier workforce which results when private contractors employ new staff on different contracts, usually on far worse terms […]

Working Mothers Still Find Childcare Provision Lacking

Last year the provision of childcare and early year’s development formed two separate motions at National Women’s Conference, they were supported but were not selected to go through to the mainstream National Delegate Conference. This Conference calls upon the National Women’s Committee to take steps to research and co-ordinate examples of good employer childcare practices. […]

Employment Rights for Women with Premature Babies

Under the current legislation, a woman giving birth to a premature baby that requires hospitalisation finds she has the same amount of maternity leave as the mother of a baby that can go home. This Conference recognises the additional stress on mothers and their families trying to cope with babies who have yet to come […]

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

This Conference congratulates UNISON’s work on developing the Pathways Training initiative and its many other life enhancing training events for its members. This Conference resolves that this work should be built on to give UNISON women members a real opportunity to reach their full potential both personally and professionally. We therefore instruct the National Women’s […]

Chemicals and Cosmetics in Household Products

There is growing evidence linking breast cancer to the cocktail of chemicals in the air, water, land and our food which we are exposed to every day. These chemicals are commonly used in a variety of products found in the home and the workplace. Breast cancer is a symbolic illness, symbolising the harm being done […]

Transfer of Call Centres

We condemn the transfer of Bank call centres from Great Britain to other countries, i.e. India, just to save money. This will cause much hardship amongst our low paid mainly women workers. These banks are exploiting the women of these third world countries, a miserly £2,500 per year. In Great Britain they will have to […]

Survival of the Prettiest

Conference is appalled at the body image of women promoted and marketed from the latter part of the 20th century as the one to which all women should aspire. Not only is this body image unachievable but more crucially it serves to support the rising sales of cosmetics and personal care products. Conference agrees that […]

Part Time Workers

Conference notes that many more women members might be encouraged into activity in UNISON if our structures and practices were ‘part-time worker friendly’. Conference instructs the National Women’s Committee to seek resources to undertake a survey of our part time women members to find out from them what actions we need to take and what […]

Women in Sport

Conference is concerned about the continuing invisibility of women in sport. Despite what may be considered to be saturation coverage of sporting events by terrestrial, cable and satellite television, very little of this coverage is of women’s sport. Indeed it could be argued that sport on TV has become synonymous with men’s sport, and the […]

Self Harm

Conference welcomes the work done regarding Work Life Balance, however we believe issues affecting young women still need to be addressed. Many young women struggle to cope with the pressures of work and also family life. Stress affects people in many different ways. Some young women may turn to drink, drugs or even self harm. […]

Motion for Initiating a UNISON campaign on a Woman’s Right to Choose

This Conference reaffirms its commitment to support UNISON’s campaign for a woman’s right to choose In recent years there has been an upsurge of anti-abortion activity by so called “pro-life” campaigners. This has been aided and abetted by the popular media and misinformation about abortion. Some NHS Trusts no longer offer abortion after 14 weeks, […]

Facility Time

Conference notes with concern that it is impossible, or only possible at a very high personal cost, for women to organise in UNISON without adequate paid facility time. Conference recognises that women are the primary care providers and should not be forced to use their valuable leave to conduct UNISON activities. Many branch facility time […]

Body Mapping

Conference notes that this is a technique which can identify health and safety problems in the workplace that might not otherwise be raised. It is especially useful for highlighting the existence of aches, pains and the onset of chronic conditions typically associated with the types of work undertaken by women. Conference instructs the National Women’s […]

Handling Discrimination

Conference recognises that discrimination continues to affect many members and groups throughout UNISON. However, Conference is concerned at the extent of discrimination faced by many women members in particular. Women have brought to our attention many worrying stories about UNISON’s failure to deal adequately or appropriately with their discrimination at branch and regional level, and […]

Dependant Care Costs Form

This Conference deplores the new procedure for claiming costs for dependant care, it is also dismayed over the fact that the National Women’s Committee appear to have supported the issuing of a separate form for such costs. Conference believes that this is a blatant act of discrimination towards members who claim for dependant care costs, […]