Fertility Treatment and Work

Conference is concerned that some women are being discriminated against because they are undergoing fertility treatment. One month before the embryo is inserted the woman has to take strong medication. This medication often affects the woman’s hormone balance and the results can make the women feel extremely ill. After the embryo has been inserted total […]

Labour Behind the Label

Thousands of women around the world work in an industry where exploitation is the order of the day. Workers cannot complain or they could lose their jobs. If they try to form a union or join a union to fight for better pay and conditions, they get ill-treated and intimidated. That is the garment trade. […]

Drink Spiking

During the last few decades, there has been a rise in the number of drug rapes and drug-related attacks, mainly taking place in pubs and clubs where the opportunity to spike drinks is readily available. Women are particularly vulnerable, so it is therefore necessary to be aware and informed of the problem and to raise […]

Breast Cancer and Examination

One in every nine women in the United Kingdom continues to develop breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. That is why being aware of self-examination and diagnostic procedures in hospitals are vital for all women. If you have been referred to hospital with a breast lump or a change in the appearance of […]

Rape as a Weapon of Conflict

Conference is appalled by the use of rape as a weapon in many conflicts around the world. Rape is used against women by men in these situations to subdue and demoralise them. Rape has nothing to do with sexual desire but is the exertion of power over a group to cause alarm and despondency not […]


Since the Amendment to the Race Relations Acts of 1976 and the implementation of the Race Equality Schemes in April 2002, little progress appears to have been made in all of the public sectors. Employers continue to drag their heels and demonstrate lack of enthusiasm regarding producing and implementing their Race Equality Schemes. Conference therefore […]


This Black Members’ Conference notes the Government’s programme of managed migration and acknowledges that there is a need to open a proper debate about the demand for migration workers. If the UK is to sustain its place as the world’s fourth largest economy then migration is needed. Conference believes that as well as accepting the […]


The Sudanese government’s campaign of the ethnic cleansing of Black Africans is all but complete. State-backed Arab militia and the Sudanese army have driven over a million people from their homes. Murder, rape and robbery are the tools used to force Black Africans to flee the Darfur region. The West’s response has been to flood […]


Conference note that over the last 18 years, the rebels of Lord Resistance Army (LRA) have been abducting children, torturing and slaughtering innocent people of Northern & Eastern Uganda. The 18 year war against Uganda Government by the LRA has resulted in numerous massacres of the local population and the abduction of up to 20,000 […]


At the National Delegate Conference in 1997 Conference voted overwhelmingly for paid Black officers in every region – to be available amongst other things, to advise on the quality of representation afforded to Black Members. The union saw fit never to implement this motion despite the motion being union policy. Prior to and since this […]

Migrant Workers

Conference notes that there is a global increase in the number of migrant workers. Many are very skilled with extensive knowledge and skills in the UK, we should value the contribution they make to our economy and the ethnic and cultural diversity they bring to this society. We should welcome all migrant workers who are […]

Criminal Records Bureau Checks

Conference is concerned about the over representation of Black employees targeted for CRB Checks. We are aware that the Criminal Justice system is institutionally racists and that Local Authorities in general are also guilty of institutionalised racism. In addition Conference has seen the inappropriate use of the Police Stop and Search against the Black Community. […]