Aerosol Formation

0Although most of our companies that treat waste are phasing out the paddle rotation systems in the Activated Sludge Process and replacing them with the more efficient diffused oxygen technique another hazard involving aerosol formation is entering our workplaces. This is the composting of sludge waste and green waste to sell as garden compost and […]

Single Operator Manning.

Many of the assets of the Water Companies are large and situated in isolated locations. This is particularly true of sewage works which were deliberately built well away from populated areas. However this isolation now put our operatives at risk as these sites have copper cable, stainless steel screens and lots of metal equipment that […]

Better Lone Working Systems

Most lone working systems used in the water industry are cumbersome to use and involve ringing numbers which takes time and are only effective for office or van based workers. For groups such as meter readers or samplers who are working on riverbanks and walking along lonely footpaths or in people’s homes they need an […]

Campaigning against water poverty

‘Campaigning against water poverty’ This Conference seeks that this Service Group, guided by the Service Group Executive, resolves to actively campaign to counter and diminish the effects of water poverty. With water becoming an increasingly scarce resource, as a result of climate change and increased consumer demand, this matter of water poverty is an issue […]

Disability Discrimination is not SMART

This conference is concerned that proposed changes being introduced by energy retailers to roll out SMART meter installations will have a disproportionate affect on disabled workers and disabled customers. Based on previous experiences disabled meter readers have been forced out of contractual work into self employed status. Disabled people want the assurance that energy workers […]

Energy Service Group Constitution

Conference approves the attached Constitution of the Energy Service Group.

UNISON Organisation in the Energy Industry

Conference believes that it is essential that the United Kingdom has a sustainable energy policy that ensures security of supply, affordability and environmental protection. Conference notes the failure of the last and present Governments to promote positively clean coal technology and is concerned that the cuts in public expenditure will seriously increase the number of […]

SMART Meters and the Implications for Employment

Conference notes that over the next few years the Energy Retailers will be pushing ahead with a national roll out of SMART meter installations. This will be a massive logistical exercise involving many thousands of workers and the probable extensive use of contract labour. Conference endorses UNISON’s position on SMART meters that seeks to emphasise […]

The New Ownership Model for Energy Networks: Implications for UNISON

Conference notes that within the energy sector there is an increasing trend of ownership of gas and electricity distribution networks by pension funds and private equity consortia. The sale of network businesses by National Grid, EDF and United Utilities to such owners will likely be added to by other companies seeking to raise funds for […]

Elections to European Works Councils

Conference notes that four of the big six Energy Companies in the UK are owned by overseas European based multi- nationals. Each of these four companies either already have, or are eligible for, a European Works Council (EWC). Recognising that UNISON has a significant membership base in all the UK’s energy companies it is important […]

Bus Services and Jobs Put at Risk

Conference notes with great concern that many local bus services, particularly those serving rural areas, face an uncertain future. A high proportion of the funding for subsidised and tendered services comes from local authorities who themselves face significant cuts in their grant income from Government. The continued viability of many community transport undertakings and the […]

Water Industry Risk to Jobs

2011 marks the beginning of what may become the most serious threat since 1989 to jobs and services provided by the UK’s water industry. Whether in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland the present industry structure is likely to come under attack from both regulators and governments. With a new White Paper from the Government […]

Campaign Against the Cuts

Conference deplores the Con- Dem Government’s attacks on jobs, services, pensions and pay in the public sector as their only solution to the economic crisis brought about by the irresponsibility of the banking sector. Conference condemns those banks that continue to award large bonuses to the very people whose actions have caused the economic difficulties […]

British Waterways

Conference is alarmed over the developments taking place in British Waterways. Despite UNISON’s opposition the Government has gone ahead with its plan to convert British Waterways into a charitable trust, bringing to a close a proud history of public ownership and management of the nations’ canals. However, Conference is pleased to note that the Scottish […]

Women Apprentices

Conference notes the report “Apprentices and Gender” produced by the TUC and YWCA in October 2010. Conference is concerned that the report finds that “although the problems of occupational segregation, gender stereotyping, poor careers advice, low pay and lack of progression for women in the apprenticeships system is well documented and well understood, little progress […]