Lessons from the 2002/3 Local Government (England, Northern Ireland and Wales) Pay Dispute

This Conference welcomes the report on ‘Lessons from the 2002/3 Local Government (England, Northern Ireland and Wales) Pay Dispute’. Conference also notes that a similar exercise took place in Scotland post the 1999 dispute. Conference calls on the SGE to ensure that its recommendations are acted upon at all levels of the union, after discussion […]

Funding for Social Services

This Conference wishes to applaud the efforts of all those who work in social care providing crucial services to the most vulnerable members of our communities. We believe that it is only the dedication of these workers which has kept services running while government and employers have failed to provide the leadership and the funding […]

Housing Stock Transfer

Conference condemns the Government’s ‘Communities Plan’ released on 6 February 2003. This is effectively a plan to remove English local authority housing from local democratic control and transfer staff to a plethora of other employers. Conference notes that local authorities will only be able to choose three investment options: stock transfer; the Private Finance Initiative […]

English Regional Government

Conference notes publication in May 2002 by the Government of ‘Your Region – Your Choice – Revitalising the English Regions’. Conference re-affirms its general commitment to regional government and the potential offered by it to: 1)‘Draw down’ powers from central government and enhance local democracy 2)Democratise the ‘quango state’ and Government Offices in the regions […]

Non-Standard and Unsocial Hours Working

This Conference is aware that many local government workers are in “24/7” services working irregular and demanding shifts where “flexibility” is all on the employers side and little or no compensation is made for the disruption in family life and the bad effects on health. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to investigate the amount […]

Timing of Local Government Conference

Conference notes the current link between the Local Government Service Group Conference and the National Delegate Conference both being held in June. Whilst it is recognised that there are cost savings achieved by the linkage, holding the Service Group Conference at this time is no longer appropriate. Since the introduction of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement […]

Recruitment and Retention of Young Workers in Local Government

Conference notes: 1)That the crisis in recruitment and retention of staff in the public sector has recently been identified by the Audit Commission report “Recruitment and Retention: A public services workforce for the 21st Century”. 2)That this crisis is particularly acute in local government where 75% of councils surveyed nationally by UNISON report difficulties in […]

Police Reform Bill

As a result of the Police Reform Bill there is every likelihood police officers will be redeployed into support staff posts as an alternative to ill health retirements. Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to formulate policy and advice to branches to ensure this practice doesn ot have a detrimental effect on support staff […]

Employment of Retired Police Officers

Conference is concerned at the perceived number of police officers who are employed in police staff roles upon their retirement without having gone through any selection process. This practice if true causes concern and possibly breaches force equal opportunities policies/procedures. Conferences instructs the SGE to provide advice, guidance and support to branches with regard to […]

Who Is Your Employer?

Conference Welcomes: ·the attention which the PSSC Handbook review has focussed on the tripartite relationship in respect ofpolice staff ·the publication of the APA’s “People Matters” HR Strategy ·the Home Office commitment to raise the status and training of police staff in a police reform environment ·· However, Conference is concerned that the respective responsibilities […]

Traffic Wardens Powers

Conference welcomes the work done in relation to the extension of Traffic Warden’s Powers under the functions of Traffic Warden’s order 2002, where surprisingly limited. Conference instructs the Executive to: 1)again work with the Home Office to obtain the full power to stop for Traffic Warden’s; 2)lobby ACPO and the APA as to the benefits […]


As a modern trade union, UNISON encourages the use of partnership as a legitimate bargaining tool. The benefits of partnership are important to our service group. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to 1)promote partnership within the service group; 2)create partnerships at a national level with key organisations including the employers, their associates and other […]

Civilianisation Within the Police Service

Conference is concerned at the apparent conflicts of government policy with regard to support staff posts. Government states it wants more civilianisation within the police service. Government states it will deal with forces that fail to do this. Government urges forces to place injured/incapable police officers into none operational roles. Government states that it wants […]

Funding for Police Staffs

Conference welcomes the push for civilianisation within the Police Reform Act and the additional monies being made available through the Crime Fighting Fund for front line policing. However, no monies have been made available to fund the employment of additional police staffs to support this initiative. The Service Group Executive is therefore called upon to […]

Use of Non-typical Contracts

Conference is concerned about the creeping use of non typical contracts such as fixed term, zero hours and agency staff to cover for staffing shortfalls which are not short term. Conference believes that the growing use of agency staff by police forcxes is evidence of a poor terms and conditions package in many police forces. […]