Local Government Reform

Conference notes that in the last year major reforms have been announced to local government in England (Local Government White Paper 2006) and Wales (the Beecham Review – ‘Delivering Beyond Boundaries’). A major reorganisation of local government is also taking place in Northern Ireland. Conference condemns the fact that the proposed reforms will turn councils […]


This Local Government Service Group supports a non-selective, comprehensive state school system, controlled by local communities. As such this LGSG opposes the Government’s Academy Programme which replaces democratically controlled local schools with privately run educational establishments, funded by a combination of central government, businesses and other private organisations. We have similar concerns over the creation […]

Communications to Retired Members

Conference declares that effective and workable communication to all retired members is essential to the present and future interests of all retired members’ groups, and is disappointed at the lack of progress by the National Retired Members’ Committee (NRMC) in developing a clear policy for this purpose. Conference also regrets that no report has been […]

Increase in the Basic State Pension and Restoration of the Link

Conference regrets that in his March 2007 budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, again failed to increase the basic state pension to restore its value if the link to average earnings had not been broken by Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government. Pensioners should have an immediate rise now to restore the pension value and […]

Role of Retired Members in UNISON

Conference recognises the different role and contribution of retired members to their working counterparts and accepts that their involvement in UNISON is more limited. However, Conference believes that many retired members still have much to offer the union and that their preclusion from almost all aspects of its work is not necessarily in UNISON’s best […]

Adult Learning

Conference condemns the decision to remove the entitlement to concessions for pensioners attending day and evening classes other than for those in receipt of pensions credit. For many decades all pensioners could access day and evening classes either free or at a nominal cost. This allowed many people who had not previously had access to […]

Council Tax

Conference believes that council tax is an inherently unfair tax which does not properly reflect people’s ability to pay. More importantly it is not based on an equitable system for calculating amounts that should be paid. This is most clearly demonstrated by the current system of council tax collection, which specifically affects pensioners who pay […]

Annual Report

National Retired Members Conference is to be congratulated on producing the Annual Report for questioning by members in advance of the National Retired Members Conference. However, the time scale for questioning in 2006 was inadequate. There does not appear to be any reason why the Annual Report is not circulated to retired members in June. […]

Local Government Pay and Negotiating Structures

Local Government Pension Scheme

This Conference congratulates the Local Government Service Group Executive on the work it has undertaken to protect local government workers pensions. We especially applaud the work of the UNISON negotiating team for their diligence in ensuring, wherever possible, equality for all participants. Our pension’s campaign is also concerned with the rights of disabled people; disabled […]

Local Government Pension Scheme

This Special Conference believes that the current package of proposals for the new LGPS represents substantial improvements in benefits for all UNISON members and their families, namely: ·The retention of a final salary scheme ·1/60 accrual rate ·A more flexible definition for period for pensionable pay ·Improved early retirement factors ·Pensions for unmarried partners ·Increased […]


Conference notes the continuing inhumane policies of the Government in relation to asylum seekers. Conference notes that UNISON members working in local government provide many services to asylum seekers and that many services are of a statutory basis. It is noted that legislation concerning asylum can contradict or in some cases over-ride other legislation in […]

Building Equality and Diversity in the National Offender Management Service

This conference notes that the probation service in England and Wales has a tradition of working proactively on equality issues and well established equality networks for the various diversity strands. Conference expresses concern that this is not being effectively carried forward in the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), particularly in the context of the mixed […]


Conference notes the results of the UNISON 2006 Young Members Survey, which demonstrated that the policy issue of greatest importance to our young members is improved pensions provision, which was rated as important or very important by 89% of UNISON young members. Conference therefore expresses our great concern at recent and current attacks upon pension […]


This Conference congratulates the work undertaken by local government branches that have used the Disability Equality Duty to eliminate institutional discrimination in the workplace. We are however concerned with reports that employers may not be meeting their new duties with regard to: 1)Identifying positive as well as negative outcomes especially in the recruitment of disabled […]