Stop the Damaging Health Reforms

Conference believes that any reform of the NHS must take into account the needs of older people – the NHS’ largest patient group. Conference notes that the Health and Social Care Bill will alter fundamentally the NHS as we know it and undermine the basic principles on which it was founded in 1948. Conference is […]

Brains for Dementia Research

Brains for Dementia Research is a partnership between Alzheimer’s Research Trust and Alzheimer’s Society which aims to promote brain donation and to develop a network of brain tissue banks for dementia research. The project is being run in association with the Medical Research Council. Alzheimer’s disease is probably the best known cause of dementia but […]

Effect of Government Proposals for the NHS

The effect of the changes proposed and ongoing by the government are having adverse effects for pensioners, which will increase as the changes are implemented and efficiency drives accelerated. Already cataract operations have been reduced as have operations for replacement hip and knee joints. These ailments are more prevalent amongst the elderly who will increasingly […]

Older People and Child Care Duties

This Conference recognises that there are some advantages of being retired. One of these is the freedom from the time constraints imposed by employment. For the first time since starting school we should have the freedom to act spontaneously with only the need to advise others of our intentions as a matter of courtesy. Due […]

Setting Up of New Retired Members Sections

Conference notes that the Branch Retired Members’ Handbook contains some advice on setting up retired members’ sections. Conference considers however that more detailed advice and information is needed than that which appears in the Handbook. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee, following consultation with branches and the regions, to produce such information as part […]

Contacting the DWP

Conference deplores the continuing use of 084 nos by many organisations as the only means of contacting them by ‘phone. Despite claims that 0845 are ‘lo-call’ cost, they are rarely as cheap as a local call or indeed a geographic call and are used as a means of raking in extra money. Conference believes that […]

Winter Fuel Allowance

Conference notes that eligibility for initial payment of the Winter Fuel Allowance (WFA) is dependent upon the claimant reaching state retirement age by the last week in September each year (of particular benefit to those with birthdays between March and September) and that those who reach this milestone in subsequent winter months do not receive […]

Differential Proposals for Pensioners

The proposals for differentiation of retired members’ pensions proposed for 2015/16 is a form of discrimination affecting existing pensioners. The proposal if implemented will mean that the existing 14 million current British pensioners will lose approximately £53 per week. Conference therefore calls on the Retired Members’ National Committee to join with other organisations including the […]

Rolling Out the Elder Abuse Campaign to Branches and Other Regions

This Conference notes that elder abuse is the only form of abuse that is not a Statutary Specific Criminal Offence. There is a “Memorandum of Understanding”, that requires the Courts to take into account the age of the victim when considering punishment. The Greater London Regional Retired Members Committee are campaigning against elder abuse to […]

Supporting the Campaign for Human and Democratic Rights in the Middle East

Conference notes: 1)the movement for social and economic justice and political freedom that have swept across the Middle East and North Africa, following the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt 2)and welcomes the success of the popular movement in Tunisia in bringing to an end the rule of dictatorship in that country; 3)the courage and determination […]

Cuts Are Not the Cure

Conference believes there is an alternative to the ideologically driven economic programme of the Conservative led Coalition government in Westminster. The drastic cuts in spending fail to recognize the need of the country to grow our way out of recession and are devastating communities and forcing a new generation into unemployment whilst hitting the most […]

Defending Our Pensions

Conference notes that pensions represent the most important condition of employment after pay itself. Pension is deferred pay that enables workers to survive into old age and, hopefully, avoiding poverty. Conference believes that every worker in the UK deserves a decent income on reaching retirement. Public Sector pensions have consistently been under attack from employers […]

Role of Retired Members in UNISON

Conference recognises the different role and contribution of retired members to their working counterparts and accepts that their involvement in UNISON is more limited. However Conference believes that many retired members still have much to offer the union and that their preclusion from almost all aspects of its work is not necessarily in UNISON’s best […]

Fighting To Defend Members’ Pension Rights

Conference notes with extreme concern the decision by Severn Trent PLC taken in May 2011 to give notice of its intention to close the final salary based Severn Trent Water Pension Scheme. Sadly most water companies have already closed their final salary schemes to new members with just one small water supply company, Cambridge also […]


Conference welcomes and endorses that it is among UNISON’s aims to seek to ensure equality of treatment and fair representation for all members and their right to be treated with dignity and respect. UNISON and the former partner unions recognised long ago that this needs more than goodwill and that there must be clear arrangements […]